Chapter 4: A Day In The Life Of A Secretive Man

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Chapter 4: A Day In The Life Of A Secretive Man

The Vaunt Apartment Complex, Southport, New Jersey.....

6:00 A.M.

     A blaring alarm awoke a slumbering man nearing middle age as he climbed out of bed and shuffled his way toward the lavatory. He wore light blue pajama pants with white thick cotton socks and slid across the floor avoiding the cold due to his black slippers as he moved toward the white toilet bowl. A yawn escaped his lips as he stood over the bowl fishing out his cock in a bid to relieve himself. It was going to be another long day for him as he had worked before the sun went down and after while simultaneously having the responsibility of looking after his little girl who was due to get up for school just as she had every morning. After finishing up at the toilet bowl and flushing he walked over toward the sink. He stared into the mirror that loomed above the white porcelain sink and into the reflection of his rather strange eyes. By all accounts, he'd been told he was a handsome man, if ruggedly so with an impressive jawline and given to the frequent need to shave his face ever so often due to rapid hair growth.

As a child, he was often teased for his large forehead which he often covered with his rapidly growing hair. In the present, he had something of a traditional trimming in a bid to make himself more presentable when he stood before an entire class filled with inquisitive young students of middle school age. Behind closed doors, he was an impressive sight, with well-toned abs always hidden beneath a white men's tank top and powerful and well-toned legs that contributed to his impressive range of height. Of course, being six-two didn't automatically make him good at sporting events. He was largely uncoordinated his entire life despite being a lifelong fan of basketball.

His eyes were an odd sort being blue with a splash of brown in one due to a sort of mutation at birth which often got the attention of a lot of female admirers were often hidden behind thick-lensed glasses with a thin golden frame as he moved about carrying books of any and every sort from his usual day to day. He was an avid lover of Shakespearean works and something of a history buff, which contributed to his teaching 7th-grade history. He loved literature and music especially classical period pieces and even took to classic tunes with Motown sound due to his years of being married to a woman of color and her interesting ranges of taste.

The newly awakened man looked down at the silver band on his ring finger feeling a wave of sadness and doing a bit of reflecting as he thought back on the times he'd spent with his wife. They were quite the pair in their day and he still couldn't bring himself to accept the fact that she'd been gone. Her name was Veronica Steele and she was as bold and charismatic as any woman he'd ever met. He was intoxicated by her beauty, which was exotic in a sense as far as he was concerned. She was his intellectual equal and rival of all things, but she was a woman who loved him and agreed to be his wife despite their initial clash upon their first meeting. She was a dedicated secretary and he was fumbling about in a library when he bumped into her.

He didn't think much of Americans, as he was British-born and raised for most of his life and she was most definitely American despite having lived in England since she'd been six years old. They clashed more often than not every time he had to venture to the library and she was there with snide comments and sarcastic remarks. He grew to like their verbal spats and often returned just to indulge in them as an excuse to see her. She seemed to have been fond of them as well and eventually, she got him to work up the courage to ask her out for coffee.

He introduced himself as Victor Harlowe and the rest was history. After a month of dating, she became his wife and they lived together quite happily with him teaching, which often prompted her to refer to him as "Professor" which was her initial insult to him when they met. He thought the whole thing amusing. Veronica was a force of nature given to grace and acrobatics, unlike anything Victor had ever seen. The day she informed him that she'd been pregnant with their first child who would sadly turn out to be their only child was the second happiest day of his life.

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