Chapter 28: Squaring Up With A Blood Sucker

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Chapter 28: Squaring Up With A Blood Sucker

Apartment 73, The Regal Way Towers, Southport, New Jersey.....

     Midnight was upon them and Savannah was safely tucked into bed and resting in preparation for when she had to return to school. She had her outfit for the day already laid out and ironed and the shoes she insisted on wearing were all cleaned and ready to go with her backpack carrying new supplies and about two hundred dollars in her wallet for whatever she needed due to Ron not knowing how lunch was handled in American schools. She was given of all things a cell phone and Ron's various numbers where he could be reached should she need his assistance. Savannah was amused that he was actually acting like a concerned "Uncle" well out of his element and he'd even spoken with her various teachers and the principal on her behalf getting to know them and their various scents as it were to gauge whether or not they had been trustworthy.

Ron seemed to be going out of his way for the girl, but he didn't understand why she had such a tremendous effect on him. He shrugged it off as merely keeping his promise to a dead man, but he was aware it was strange for him to have been so invested in this assignment that was undoubtedly forced upon him, looking after the wellbeing of a teenage girl.


Open Street Corner, Southport, New Jersey.....

Pushing the thoughts of what his life had become out of his mind, Ron Hemming began his patrol leaving Savannah to her slumber and exiting his apartment complex. He decided to venture back to Savannah's former apartment knowing all too well that any newly arrived bloodsuckers would have been there attempting to come up with a means of a trail to find her. The glow of the moonlight made for an interesting backdrop as Ron rounded the corner and found himself face-to-face with yet another bloodsucker.

This one was sleek in its build with almost translucent milky white flesh that was as dead as the others that came to this port town looking for trouble. It stared at him behind glowing deep red eyes as it took in his scent and wrinkled its nose as if somehow offended. Ron smirked noting the discomfort of his intended target as its shoulders grew tense and the muscles in its pasty exposed arms flexed despite being thin. The creature was keen enough to stalk about in the night wearing a worn pair of dark brown trousers as it hissed in Ron's direction.

The reddish glow of Ron's formerly hazel eyes seemed to give the fiend pause as it readied itself for combat choosing to rush toward the werewolf with its claws out and swinging wildly while the stringy black locks of its hair dangled into its face with each missed swipe at the speed drive werewolf. This time around, Ron had the presence of mind to elect to leave behind his shirt as it had less of a chance of being ruined via the claws of a blood fiend.

The creature appeared to be intent on aiming for his soft flesh seeing its way to going for the guts of the superior werewolf's abs as it slashed and hissed in an attempt to get to him. Ron was amused by this attempt at finding a weakness as he'd been immortal and as such didn't have any weaknesses despite the best attempt of the vampire fiend that wished to open him up like a candy-filled balloon.

Ron pulled no punches as he made a good indentation in the fiend's face snapping the jaw with a wave of haymakers and jabs that dislocated the jaw causing it to wince in pain and snap it back before attempting to feel it again. Ron growled finding it necessary to take the combat up a notch when compared to the previous fights with bloodsuckers. The light of the moon provided the boost he needed as he suddenly dropped down to his knees and slammed his fists against the solid concrete getting the attention of the bloodsucker that watched him curiously. Ron's eyes glowed an eerie bright red as his body began to shift with his ears extending on the side of his head and his fangs protruding from his mouth gleaming in the light of the moon and every bit as sharp as daggers as they flashed in the face of the blood fiend before him.

His howl filled the night sky as hairs sprouted along his formerly smooth body and he got back to his feet revealing his half-feral humanoid form which increased both his strength and speed as he launched himself at the bloodsucker before him. He could tell by how caught off guard the blood fiend had been that it never saw what a true Were was capable of and that it didn't stand a chance in hell of defeating him in full-on combat in this state and Ron hadn't even shifted into his true form, but it was fun to let loose on something that could take the brunt of the damage and deserve it.

The blood fiend was caught in the massive claws of the newly unleashed Feral Were and ripped to shreds. Rivers of blackened blood gushed from the severed white flesh of the hissing fiend as it attempted to get away from the pouncing wolf who had been all too eager to give chase and tear one of the arms of the fiend off and toss it aside.

The creature's dark black eyes showed fear for the first time as they continued to rip it to shreds dismembering it into a pile of limbs and black sludge that passed for its tainted blood.

A victorious howl erupted from the prowling Ron as he enjoyed his triumph over the slightly stronger blood fiend and took his time marking his territory along the apartment complex in the form of pulling his enormous cock from his trousers and urinating all along the walls.

It gave a clear indication that this place and the territory surrounding his home had belonged to him be you Were or Vampirian, to enter without permission was certain death and Ron was an immortal, he could outlast the test of time if need be.

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