Unwanted attention

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|\/| (AO3) asked:

Could you do a one-shot au where Uzi is a popular girl in her colony but she finds the attention and compliments that her classmates give her... Annoying.

Uzi, a little goth drone girl; wearing her usual black jacket with her favorite band's logo, "Dead batteries", printed on it; black boots and a purple beanie, was walking towards her school, feeling the boredom weighting on her alredy.

She hated school, not caring about whatever the Teacher was teaching them, be it because she thought it was boring or for a previous knowledge about the subject. The Teacher himself didn't help, talking as if he was survivng on a spark of energy left. However, the students are the worst part. Most of them are either too dumb or entitled, or both of them. Always doing dumb things, being too self centered or bullying others to fill the empty void that was their existance.

This all acomulated on school being one of the worst tortures that someone could pass through, and that was special to Uzi, being the daughter of a famous drone, but being nothing like him. This made her school life a living hell. However, things changed lately. Ever since she killed one of the murder drones that haunted the worker's every dream, everyone has been treating her nicer, acting as if they were always friends and nothing ever happened between them.

Uzi arrived at the school's doors. They were huge, specially compared to her, who was smaller than the norm. She walked inside and everyone in the corridor instantly turned to look at her, something she was alredy used to, being common even before she got famous. As she walked by the drones, their eyes followed her, but not in the mocking maner she was used to, more in a amazed way.

This made her unconfortable. She didn't know wich one was worse, being seen as less or being seen as more than you trully are. She walked to her locker and opened it, taking some things from there and closing it. She wanted to go as quickly as she could to her class and gloom away in the corner, but when she closed her locker, she noticed a drone standing right at her side.

"H-Hey Uzi... S-So, would you like to... Go out with me?" A male drone with a white jacket and orange shirt with a white shorts and shoes was standing, with his hand foward, waiting for her response. This wasn't the first time she had been asked out this week, but it was the earliest of a day.

"Do you really think she would go out with someone like you?" Before Uzi could resoond, a much known voice came from behind the male drone. It was Lizzy with her friends, Doll and Rebecca. Uzi hated the three of them with all she had. They were the main causers of her torment and they were the ones that annoyed her the most now. How they acted as if they were always close. It made her oil boil.

"Well... I can at least try" The boy responded, turning to the cheerleader girl. The two started an argument between them, a very pointless one. Uzi took this opportunity to run away from that place. She hated the sound of her classmates talking, their voices made her head hurt. She quickly walked to her class and sat on her corner, wanting to just stay there, for everyone to ignore her.

"Hey there Zi" The small female quickly turned her head around, seeing Thad with a smile on his face. He was he only drone that didn't bother her, the only one who she allowed to enter her space.

(CLOSED) Murder Drones oneshots... Kinda, also lazy writerWhere stories live. Discover now