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WarMachine417 (AO3) asked:
You know with V seemingly warming up to Uzi, I think an argument and falling out between V and Lizzy is only inevitable

V and Lizzy were hanging out in secret, as they used to do. Lizzy was the one talking, V never really talked much on these meetings, only agreeing with some things and laughing a bit, but Lizzy didn't care, she wanted someone to hear what she had to say and V was perfect for that, someone with little to no emotions that didn't really care about anything, she wouldn't argue with her about anything.

"Can you believe that the purple haired freak and that cute friend of yours were hanging out today?" Lizzy said while kicking a small rock "The cute, but dangerous robot and that freak, who would believe they were actually friends" Lizzy stopped and looked at V "Why don't you take him from her, weren't you being so protective over him on the camp or did you stop loving him?"

"I still have a bit of feelings towards him, but he's better with Uzi" Lizzy's eyes hollowed, not just because it was the first time V had truly speaked with her, but also because she was saying that Uzi was better than her.

"Uhm, what? You're saying that he's better with that freak than you? You're leagues ahead of her, he is lucky that you talk to him"

"You think so?" V asked with a sad tone.

"Why are you acting like this out of the sudden?" Lizzy said with a bit of worry and annoyance. V sighed.

"It's just that, Uzi is a better friend to N than I am"

"What does that freak have over you? You're pretier, cooler, less edgy and much more" Lizzy scoffed.

"She's a better fit for N and isn't that bad too, she helps N and N helps her, that is what a friendship should be about, while me and N... Don't really have this anymore"

"Urg, if you're going to bring this mood and protect that freak than go away" Lizzy said while waving her hand dismissing V. V turned away and spreaded her wings.

"You know you're a bitch sometimes right?" V said, getting ready to fly away.

"What did you say?!" Lizzy turned to V, who stopped and looked at her.

"You heard me"

"You know what, Doll was right about you" V's eyes hollowed, they had agreed on not talking about her again "You're just a psycopath, nothing more to you" V wanted to say something, but decided not to, so she just sighed and calmed down, arguing with her would be a waste of time.

"Are you this petty just because I didn't agree with you on Uzi?"

"Urgh, of course not, that was just the last straw, you're just boring and have no personality, liking that freak is so out of character for you" V stopped trying to understand what she was saying, she probably never even tried in the first place, but that didn't matter.

"You know what? Just shut up, delete me from your contact list and never interact with me again" V said, quickly flying away afterwards. Lizzy groaned and opened her contacts and deleted V's. Seeing her new contact list, made her feel a bit lonely, every contact she had, she either pushed away or was dead. She had no one to talk to now, she was truly alone. Did she make the right choice? A tear formed on her visor.

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