Unexpected visit

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Conniebuns (AO3) asked:

Present N meets past V (giggles and tooth rotting fluff ensue)

V opens her eyes, looking at the wooden ceiling that she so desperately wants to escape. She gets up, just in time to hear a scream coming from the main hall. V's eyes hollowed, she recognized the scream, it was from one of her coworkers. She turned to the door leading to the corridor, backing a away a little, afraid something would jump out of it. She couldn't hear well, but there were drones or people talking in the main hall, but something caught her attention, N's voice. His sweet, melancholic voice echoed through the halls.

She followed his voice, slightly opening the door, leaving a gap just big enough for her head to fit. Looking at the direction of N's voice, she saw a group of drones around a tall drone with pilot cap and a trench coat. Something about him made her remember N. Not only their voice was similar, but also how they act when they're cornered. Despite the difference in their looks, they were so alike, maybe, just maybe...

"N-N?" V said, not noticing that she has walked to the middle of the room. The drone looks at her, his eyes hollowing the moment they lock on her figure. His mouth opens, clearly trying to say something, but only stutters come out. He slowly approached her, kneeling down and looking her directly in the eye. His golden bright eyes, tears forming on it, highlighting the brightness of the stars, looking at her moon like eyes, a perfect cicle in wich both could lose themselves.

"V?" The instant the maid heard this, she jumped towards him, embracing him in a tight hug. She didn't know why she did this, but it seemed the right thing to do. N was shocked, he woke up in this strange mansion and then suddenly a maid that resembled him of V appeared, and now they were hugging, but it felt so good, so charismatic. He couldn't help himself, but to return it.

The two stayed in the same position for some time. Neither knowing each other, but not wanting to let go. When the door on the end of the hall was open with force, a tall man with a top hat walked through it. He stopped in front of the two drones hugging eachother. He looks to the sides, confused.

"What's this?" He said, pointing to N. The other drones shook their head, walking back and turning their heads down. The man's hand closed into a fist "None of you know? A STRANGER ENTERS MY DOMAIN AND NONE OF YOU KNOW ABOUT IT!?" The workers backed away, covering their heads with their arms. The man looked angrily at V, who was hiding behind the tall drone "And you? You seem to be buddies. Do you know him?" V's only response were a few tears falling on the gorund "ANSWER ME! DO YOU KNOW HIM!?" N got in front of V, who was breathing heavily, afraid of what was gonna happen. The man pulled a flintlock from his pocket and aimed at the two drones "ANSWER ME GADAMNIT!"

Before he could react, N turned around and opened his wings, taking V into his arms and flying up to the ceiling. The man tried to follow their movements and shoot, but missed, breaking a chandelier in the hall. The drones looked in fear, as one of their coworkers had been kidnapped by the beast to an unknow place. They could only hope it was better than this dungeon they were in.

N flew into tha attic of the mansion. It was a long way to there, so they had some time to spare. N looked around, that attic was big, but mostly empty, only some furniture here and there. The only lights the place had were from the windows, and that didn't provide a lot, considering it was raining, just the occasional lightning flashing the place with knoledge of the dark.

N felt some tugging on his coat. Looking at it, he noticed that it was V, who was still in his arms, blushing. He quickly put her down, a blush on his own visor. The two looked flustered, not knowing what to say to eachother now, or even what to do.

"S-Sorry about that. It wasn't my intention to... Mess things up like that" N scratched the back of his head.

"O-Oh, don't blame yourself. You did nothing wrong" V reassured him, before yawning a bit. Seem like the scene was too much for her. She needed to take a little break.

N smiled at this, thinking of how cute she looked. She noticed his stare and looked away, blushing a little. N also looked away, embarassed of being caught. He sat on the ground and opened his arms, offering for her to come to him. V didn't even hesitate, instantly jumping to him and leaning on his chest with a blush on her face. N hugged her, then used his wings to create a cocoon, where the two slept together.

(Author's note: My classes started, so it's going to be harder for me to write, sorry)

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