My property (Yandere J x N)

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Shadow_Drone_N_Bryan78932 (AO3) asked:
YANDERE J x N - Manor au

It was another normal day inside the manor. Humans were doing their thing and drones were cleaning or being abused, the normal. Inside the room of the daughter of the owner were two drones, J and N, they were cleaning the room after James, the owner, barged in drunk and bearly hit his daughter with a bottle. J didn't like James, in fact, she hated him, but there was another thing in her mind right now.

Holy fuck, N is her side. His fluffy hair and cute suit, always obeying, even when mistreated. He was like a dog, a dog that didn't care how much the owner hit him, he would always come back. J loved this about N, she liked being in control, but she was made a drone, something that is used by others, but with N she would be able to turn the table. J always loved N ever since she saw him licking the foot of a human. J thought that was so cute and wanted him to do that to her, but for that, she would have to claim him. To claim him, she has to have absolute control over him and show everyone who's his owner. That's why she started beating him, she was showing who was superior, who owned who, and the way he still treated her nice was always so good. J had to contain herself from becoming mindless and taking him to the basement.

But now, she had to focus, they had a job to do, and couldn't take much longer. The Elliots weren't know for they're pacience.

"Clean it faster moron!" J said while sitting on N's back. She was loving this, the feeling of power she got from degrading N and how he just accepted was incredible. J knew N liked this, at least a little, she could see his blush. He tried to hide it, but she knew, J knew he liked being used. J was getting hot, just thinking on what she could do with him.

"J-J, are you okay, y-you're getting kinda hot" N asked with worry. J was caught off guard, had he called her hot? No, no, no, it had to be a mistake, but she couldn't stop blushing.

"W-Well, of course I'm hot. I'm the most perfect drone in this mansion" J said, trying to pass confidence in her voice. N was getting weak, his arms started trambling, the heat was affecting him. Soon he fell down with J on his back. J quickly got up and looked at N, he was bearly unconcious "Really?! Alredy giving up, c'mon moron, get up and continue, we have to clean this quick!" J was about to kick him, when the door opened. From it, came V.

J hated V, for one reason. N liked her, and she didn't know why. Why would N like such a lackluster drone. She's shy and can't even speak properly when someone screams at her. It just didn't make sense, someone like N, who was good looking and liked being used, with V, someone so bland that she could be mistaken with a rock. V saw N on the ground and came running to him.

"N!" V crouched and grabbed him "Your back is burning!" N narrowdly opened his eyes. When he saw that V was hugging him, he blushed and hugged her back.

"D-Don't worry" N said in a soft tone. V blushed, but was worried about him. J saw this interaction and felt hate boiling up on her. How dare she touch my N. V took a quick glance to J, her eyes were filled with hate. She then took N out of the room. J looked at the ground and sighed, she would have to finish the job.

How much J hated V was indescribable. She didn't only steal N and forced her to finish the job, but also told the humans the SHE had bearly killed N. How stupid was that, as much as she did hurt N, killing him was far from what she wanted. How would she play with her dog if he's dead. J was boiling with rage, but she had a plan. V was going to pay for being between her and N.

It was a very important day. It was one of the galla. It happened once a year and everyone was getting ready to serve. J had alredy changed and was ready before everyone else. They simply thought that she was excited to serve, but oh were they so wrong. V was going to serve a special person today, a very rich person, she had to do everything correctly, even the tiniest mistake could result in her death. J was watching closely.

V noticed her shoes were a bit more slippery, but it was too late to change. This shoes usually took an entire day to change, so she had to be extra careful now. V took the dishes and started walking, she was slow, not wanting to trip, but the man screamed at her.

"Faster you useless drone!" V was worried, if she wasn't faster she could die, but slipping would result in the same fate. V took a quick glance to N, she smiled and decided to trust herself for once in her life, she had done this mutiple times, it would just be another one.

J walked over to N, who was watching V with worry, she was acting in a strange strange and N was worried that this would result in her death.

"Hey moron, Tessa told you to go take her pills in her room" J said to N, who nodded and started walking to Tessa's room, while sometime looking at V, still worried.

J smiled. She had lied of course, Tessa alredy had her pills. She just didn't want N to see this spectacle. V walked to the man, but when she was close to him, she slipped and fell to the ground. She looked up in fear, the man was furious. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at the table. The Elliots covered their faces in shame.

"LOOK AT WHAT YOU DID YOU BITCH!!! YOU USELESS WHORE! HEY ELLIOTS, IS THIS THE QUALITY OF YOUR DRONES? SHOULDN'T YOU GET ACTUAL FUNCTIONING DRONES IF YOUR GOING TO HOST A PARTY THIS BIG!?" The man looked at V and kneeled. V was crying, she knew what would happen, but she couldn't die, N would be broken with her death.

"P-Please" V begged "D-DOn't kill me. I'll do anything, anything you wish, no matter what" V cryed, but was hit in the face with a punch. The man had put gloves and started punching V in the face, not stopping for anything. V screamed and cryed, but nothing or no one was going to help her. In her death, she could only think of N and how happy they could've been. The man punched her one last time, creating a hole in her face. Killing her. He got up and took the gloves off and then stormed out of the room.

All the humans, except the Elliots, were either laughing or talking about the drone. The Elliots were ashamed of and didn't even look at the V's death. Tessa was shocked, she wanted to cry, but couldn't do that here. The Elliots told 2 drones to clean up the mess. J came close to Tessa.

"I'm going to warn N, we don't want him causing a scene here" J said, faking sadness. Tessa nodded and J walked to her room. When she entered Tessa's room, she found N looking through her things. He noticed J walking in and turned to her.

"Oh, hey J! Could you help me? I haven't been able to find Tessa's pills" J looked at him with a smile on her face. This was going to be fun.

(CLOSED) Murder Drones oneshots... Kinda, also lazy writerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora