Drugs of words (Sam x Uzi)

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InspiredDragonWriter (AO3) asked:

I'd be interested how you tackle Sam x Uzi wholesome romantic fluff if your comfortable with that

Sam, a worker drone with a red and green beanie and sweater, entered his home. He had just arrived from school. It was a normal day at school, boring classes, gossip here and there, bullying, specially with Uzi. She was always the center of the bullying, because of her freaky attitude.

Today was specially brutal. They painted her locker with slurs and then throwed her inside a lake, nearly giving her a short circuit. Sam didn't want to remember that, the vision was pretty horrible. He grabbed some magnets from a box. It was the best way to forget that and focus on something else.

He layed on his bed and placed the magnet on his head, slowly feeling his counsciouness lighten. He had to forget what happened witth Uzi today. Talking about her, everytime he saw her, he would think of a word. A pretty simple one, each letter remembering him of something.

The first letter is L, and it stands for

"Lol, she's nuts" Sam said in a table with his friends, all looking at Uzi nearly punching a drone twice her size in the cafeteria. Sam's comment made everyone turn to him with a weirdened look on their faces. Sam, however, didn't notice. He could only focus on the little gremlin taking the attention of everyone.

The second letter is O, and it stands for

"Oblivious?" Chad asked.

"Yes, she's so oblivious. Here's what happened" Sam responded, nearly crying. He remembered the scene.

Sam approached Uzi in the hallway. She was messing in her locker, so he waited for her to stop. He had to wait for a good 8 minutes, before she closed the locker. At first she was frightened by him, jumping back a little.

"AH! ...What do you want?" Sam leaned on the locker.

"Nothing, just passing by" He responded, trying to sound cool. Uzi simply looked at him, then at her back and started to slowly walk away "W-Wait!" He said, catching her attention "G-Girl, are you sure you aren't a... Delivery drone?" Sam said in an ankward tone. Uzi was clearly unconfortable with the situation "Cause you sure delivered me a package" He said, pointing at his crotch. He was blushing, not believing that he said that, but when he looked up again, she was gone.

Sam finished telling his story to Chad, who just looked at him with shocked eyes. He gave a chuckle, before stopping himself from falling into laughter. He took a deep breath and looked at Sam with the most serious face he could do in the moment, wich wasn't a lot.

"Are you sure she is oblivious?"

The third letter is V, and it stands for

"Venturous?" Braidon stared deep into Sam's eyes "You goed out with a venturous girl? You?" He said, not believing what Sam told him.

"Yeah. She said she needed a bodyguard in case she needed and someone to carry things for her. Then we ventured together outside the colony, scavenging things. We even played a little when she pushed me to the ground and started running back to the colny after a bird scared her. I'm just worried I won't be able to keep up with her in the next dates" Sam said, lost in his own love. Braidon and Chad looked at each other.

"I don't think you should keep up with that girl at all" Both said in unison.

The last letter is E, and it stands for

Engagement. That's what he wants with Uzi, to marry her. His friends will never accept that he wants her, but it doesn't matter. He chooses what he wants. They'll try to convince him with, 'she ignores you' and 'tried to kill you', but they'll never know of what I didn't tell them.

About the letter she left in his locker the day he told Chad about his flirting attempt. She said that 'you shouldn't say that type of thing to people you didn't even know', but that she was grateful for him to be interested in her. Even if it was best if they stayed far from each other. Something he ignored.

Or when he caught up with her after she ran away, thinking the bird was a disassembly drone. She was crying, thinking she had left him to die. When she saw that Sam was fine she hugged him and cried on his shoulder so much. She swore to never let him go ever again, and that promise keeps true to this day. She may not be physically by his side, but he can always count on her help, no matter what.

That's why, he's going to propose to her.

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