Hello there

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GhostTheVoid (AO3) asked:
If you are willing, maybe Uzi meeting Cyn/Absolute solver?

The door of the colony had gotten stuck once again. Really showing how well made they were. V and N were stuck inside the colony and that was starting to make workers afraid, so they wanted the door to be at least open. WDF was working on getting it's internal working again, but even they were starting to get worried about the disassembly. Uzi had been called to force the door open with her solver.

She had becaome more famous after showing her solver to people. She didn't tell anyone about her cannibalistic tendencies, wich she tried to control.

Now she was facing that door. It wouldn't be the first time she would use her solver after turning into that monster, but that fear would always linger in her back. She knew N and V could take care of her and bring her back with life, but what if this time they could not? Then what would happen? She didn't want to think about that.

Uzi raises her hand and a purple hexagon with three lines with triangles in the end appear hovering over her hand. The symbol that changed all of her life, even after it had alredy made a huge change. Uzi could alredy feel her energy being dropped. She could alredy feel that thirst, thirst for her own life. She repressed it, it hurt, but nothing she couldn't deal herself.

The same symbol on her hand appeared on the door, making it bend in ways it never should. The metal started to break, but something caught Uzi's attention. The outside, instead of the white horizon that blinded the vision she was used to, she saw a pitch black abyss. She couldn't see a thing outside, as if there was nothing out there.

The door breaks and the darkness floods the colony. Uzi looks back, only to see no one. Everyone left her. The darkness took everything. She couldn't see anything, what would she do now? She couldn't.

She tried to move, but she didn't go anywhere. She tried to speak, scream, but no one responded, she didn't even know if someone heard her. Uzi started to feel something starnge. The feeling of being watched. It's like there were eyes set in her back, laughing at her futile attempts of understanding where she was. Everytime she got that feeling, she would look at where she felt the eyes, just to see nothing. It's like this place was toying with her.

This time, she felt that someone was staring directly in her eyes. That's when she noticed, two golden eyes in the darkness looking at her. There was a worker drone sitting on a table with it's head falling to the side. As if the drone was a puppet.

Uzi took a step back, afraid, and she heard the sound of wooden creaking. Looking around her, she noticed she was somewhere. It looked like a fancy house, but it had vines on the ceiling, coming down the walls and rooting on the ground. Some walls were destroyed, others had giant stanches in them, some stanches were black, other were of a redish color. It was clear for her that it was abandoned. Looking back to the drone, who was still sitting, Uzi asked.

"W-Who are you?" The drone simply moving it's head to the other side.

"They used to call me Cyn, but you probably know me for another name" The drone responded in a monotone and robotic voice.

"I-I know you?"

"Oh, you do. How you do. Look at yourself in the mirror, and you'll see it" Cyn pointed to the side. Uzi looked to it and saw a mirror that wasn't there before, but when she looked to it, the absolute solver flashed on her screen and destroyed the mirror. Uzi's eyes hollowed, this couldn't meant that... Could it? She looked with a terrified look to Cyn, who smiled back.

"N-No, you c-can't be... The absolute solver" Uzi took some more steps back, until she hit a wall, looking back to Cyn, the room had gotten smaller and it was closer to her now. Cyn jumped out of the table and started to walk towards Uzi, who shivered in fear.

"No need to fear me Uzi" Cyn said, her voice sending shivers to Uzi.

"I-I'm not afraid... J-Just apprehensive that you'll destroy everything!" Uzi lied to herself. Cyn stopped and looked directly towards her hollowed eyes.

"Destroy everything?" It tilted it's head to the side, a question mark appearing on the corner of it's visor.

"Yeah, destroy everything, like you always do"

"I can do much more than that"

"Oh yeah? L-Like what?" Uzi was trying to think of something to get out of this situation. She had alredy tried using the solver, but of course, it wouldn't help her. She had to think.

"Well, I can move objects around, chenge their structure, duplicate them, and a lot of other things" The drone of same height listed, looking at the sweaty Uzi "You know that"

"I-I wasn't talking literally. You destroy every host and their close relatives"

"Your father is still alive"

"Not without scars" Uzi groaned "What you don't destroy you change. What's alredy bad, you mutiply. Do you even care?" Cyn smiled at the question.

"Do I need to answer you? Giggles giggles" Uzi groaned out of annoyance.

"What even are you!?" It's smile faded, tilting it's head to the other side, Cyn raised it's hand and a door on the side opened.

"You'll have to figure that out, if you even can. Now go, your time is ending" The entire world they were in tilted to the side, making Uzi fall onto the open door.

"And tell big brother N I said hi" A soft voice, different from the robotic one echoed in Uzi's head, before she opened her eyes and saw a white ceiling.

(CLOSED) Murder Drones oneshots... Kinda, also lazy writerWhere stories live. Discover now