The Queen

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Handong's pov:

It was in the middle of the night when a loud noise woke her up. She shot up from her position. Waking up Gahyeon in the process.

"What's wrong, sunshine?" The Vampire girl asked.

"I heard something," Handong replied. 

"Probably just the mouse we tried to catch last week," Gahyeon mumbled and wanted to lay back down when another noise could be heard.

It sounded like someone was walking around the house and opened every door with a loud bang.

"Someone broke in," Handong said and stood up. "Stay here."

"No, I will come with you. It could be the Skugga and we have a better chance if we're together." Gahyeon replied as she also stood up.

"Alright, but you stay behind me and run if something happens," Handong ordered.

The Vampire girl nodded and together they walked to the door. Cold sweat rolled down Handong's back as she opened the door slowly. Usually, she would be calm in a situation like this but Gahyeon was in danger which made her nervous.

"Empty," Handong said after she looked down the hallway.

She was about to step out of the room when voices reached her ear.

"I told you no one lives in such a worn-down place." Someone said as they walked up the stairs.

"We are not finished and if we don't find anything we will burn down the place." Another voice replied. 

Handong took a step back and closed the door as quietly as possible. If they did it right they could surprise the intruders.

"I think there are two of them. We could wait until they are close and surprise them." Handong whispered.

"You mean to fight?" Gahyeon sounded scared.

The Werewolf girl just nodded as she looked into Gahyeon's fear-filled eyes.

"Okay, let's see if my training will be useful." The black-haired girl replied.

Handong opened the door a little. The intruders were already close and her heart started to beat fast in her chest. She needed to protect Gahyeon no matter what.

Gahyeon's pov:

She should feel scared but the fact that Handong was with her calmed her down.

"I am safe as long as I'm with her." Gahyeon thought and moved closer to the door.

Unintentionally she grabbed her girlfriend's hand and for a moment they locked eyes.

"Ready?" Handong asked and Gahyeon nodded.

The following happened so fast. Handong ran out of the room and tackled one of the hooded figures. The other one was surprised and took a step back. Gahyeon used that small moment of insecurity and kicked it hard in the abdomen. The figure bent down in pain and the Vampire girl knocked it out with a well-placed uppercut.

"Take that you ugly motherfucker." Gayheon said and turned around.

What she saw made her body freeze. Handong mercilessly punched the Skugga's face over and over again. It was already unconscious but Handong didn't stop. There was fury in her eyes and it scared Gahyeon. The face of the Skugga was already an undefinable mass of blood, flesh, and bones.

"Baby," Gahyeon said and rushed over to the Werewolf girl." Hey, stop."

 She grabbed Handong's wrist and noticed how fast the blood rushed through her girlfriend's veins. The Werewolf girl must been in a rage but she stopped punching her enemy.  

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