A promise

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Felix's pov:

He was saying goodbye to the soul and watched them walk into a bright golden light like the others did before when he heard a baby cry.

"What the fuck?" He whispered and walked towards the noise.

The yellow balls floated around him as you walked through the darkness. He realized that these golden balls are part of someone's soul. They were trapped in here and waited for their other part to find them. He felt pity for these poor beings.  

"But I'm glad we could send a few of them to the afterlife," Felix mumbled and after a few more steps he could see Dami running towards him.

She held a soul in her hand and seemed to be desperate.

"Where did you get a baby from?" Felix asked surprised after he realized why Dami was carrying the soul.

"It was in one of the jars." The Vampire girl replied a little out of breath.

"What do we do now?" Felix looked around to find the baby's soul.

"Maybe it works like with the others and once we are close enough the other part shows itself," Dami suggested.

"Yeah, but we have no clear direction like we had with the others," Felix replied.

"I will guide you." A voice came out of nowhere.

Both turned around surprised just to see a floating soul approaching them but something was different. It wasn't just this blue see-through silhouette. The man was more detailed and his clothes seemed to come from another time. His soul floated ten centimeters above the floor as he smiled at Dami.

"Who are you?" The Vampire girl asked a little suspicious.

"No need to worry, Dami. I know him." Felix said. "You are Namjoon, right?"

The man nodded and looked a little closer. 

"I'm glad that you remember me but I fear we don't have much time. I cannot stay here for much longer." Namjoon said. "Follow me."

Dami's pov:

The soul turned around and floated away. Felix grabbed Dami's arm and dragged her through the darkness. They followed the man called Namjoon while yellow balls past them. After some meters, Dami noticed that Namjoon's silhouette started to fade. The color wasn't as strong as earlier and he would vanish soon.

"How far?" Dami asked.

"Just a few more steps," Namjoon said over his shoulder.

Suddenly he stopped and pointed to a tiny golden ball that floated near the ground. 

"That's him," Namjoon said.

"Thank you for helping us," Felix replied.

"No, thank you for bringing him back. Tell Y/n that she fulfilled her promise." Namjoon smiled.

"Wait you know my wife?" Dami asked but it was too late.

His soul had already faded away and all that was left was darkness and the tiny soul in Dami's arms. 

"How come that he knows Y/n?" Dami turned around to face Felix.

"I don't know." Felix shrugged his shoulders.

"And you?" Dami wanted to know.

"In the Skugga's hideout, he helped us," Felix explained.

There were still a lot of questions roaming around in Dami's mind but the soul started to cry again. The Vampire girl quickly laid it down next to the floating ball and they started to merch. Then something unexpected happened. A golden door opened right in front of the baby's soul and two figures stepped out. Dami grabbed Felix's wrist and both of them took a step back. One of the figures picked up the baby and all of them walked back through the golden door. It started to close and right before it shut Dami had an image in her head. She saw a couple. The man looked like Namjoon and the woman was holding the baby. They looked so happy. Namjoon looked up and waved as the scene slowly faded in Dami's mind.

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