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Dami's pov:

The hours passed slowly and her thirst got stronger. It scratched her throat and made her vision turn red. Everything she saw had this reddish veil over it. Her hands had started to shake because she didn't consume blood for a while. Walking up and down in the large hall helped her focus on something else.

"I just have to hold on for a little bit but if Y/n doesn't hurry up I will fall into bloodlust or even worse." Dami thought.

She didn't want to pass that threshold. If the blood lust would take her over she would no longer be able to control herself. It was even worse than Bloodrage. Dami's hands glided in her pockets to keep them from shaking. Her fingers brushed against a small object. The Vampire girl was surprised and pulled it out. Her eyes immediately filled with tears as she laid eyes on the small panda pendant.

"Y/n's necklace," Dami mumbled and remembered that the Werewolf girl had thrown it away after their fight.

Her fingers wrapped tightly around the tiny bear as tears rolled down her face.

"She will come. She will save me." Dami thought and let herself slide down the pillar she was tied to.

Her ankle hurt a little from the shackles but her heart hurt more. The emptiness that filled her chest made her forget about the scratching in her throat. Y/n would probably feel the same right now or maybe she felt even worse. Dami knew that the Werewolf girl's mental health was probably at a low point and there was nothing that Dami could do to make her feel better.

"Just don't let her have a panic attack. I beg you. Please let her be fine." Dami repeated these words in her mind until she fell into a trace.

She entered a strange room. It was like a galaxy surrounded her as thousands of stars danced around her. They all shine in a different light.

"Wow." Dami gasped as the colors faded into each other.

Suddenly she saw two figures walking towards her. Golden light accompanied them as they came closer. It didn't take her long to recognize them.

"Y/N!" Dami yelled and ran towards her wife but when she wanted to wrap the Werewolf girl in a tight hug she just grabbed nothing.

Y/n walked through her like a ghost and Dami realized that this was a vision.

"Is this Y/n's future?" Dami asked herself and followed her wife.

That was the moment she noticed the smaller person at her Y/n's side. They walked hand in hand. 

"A child?" The Vampire girl was confused and stopped following them. "Y/n will be a mother? Does that mean I die and she will remarry with a man?"

Of course, she was happy for Y/n but also sad that she couldn't be there in the future. Her heart broke at that thought until a third person showed up.

"Is this her new spouse?" Dami thought and desperately wanted to see their face.

The child let go of Y/n's hand and ran towards the mysterious figure while Y/n had the biggest smile on her face.

"At least she is happy." Dami's heart filled with pain as she watched the scene.

Y/n walked closer to the others and reached out for the mysterious person. Her hand brushed against their cheek and that was the moment the veil got lifted and Dami saw her own face. It was a little bit different. A long cut split her eyebrow. It started in the middle of her forehead and ended on her jaw. Whatever happened must've hit her eye and made it go blind. Dami could see that the brown color of her eye had turned to a bluish-gray tone. Nevertheless, Y/n leaned in and kissed Dami while she still had a smile on her face.

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