You are never a bother

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Y/n's pov:

It was a rainy day. You looked out of your new office window and immediately had Dami on your mind.

"She will for sure lay in the backyard right now and enjoy the rain that falls on her face." You whispered and turned back to your work.

The past few days were stressful, but you and your employees were finally able to finish some of the projects. Your father had offered you the big office and you had moved all your stuff there. Now you had much more space for blueprints and other stuff you needed for the projects. It was a lot brighter in the big boss's office and you liked it. It seemed to be an enjoyable Friday morning without any deadlines you had to worry about.

"Thanks to Sua and her skills, otherwise I would drown in work right now." You thought.

She had managed to help you so much and you were glad to have such a capable woman as your right hand. Being CEO was not easy and you knew that. You always asked your father for his input and he gladly gave you some advice. In the past few days, you had learned so much. It was so fun to learn all these new things, but at leading you still struggled a little. Suddenly the door to your office opened and someone barged in. On another day you would've screamed at them in anger, but not today. You were calm and even your anxiety wasn't as bad as just a day ago.

"Y/N! We need to talk." The voice of the Alpha reached your ears.

You looked up in confusion. He never visited you at work without making an appointment first.

"Okay? Do you want to sit down or maybe have a coffee?" You asked kindly and stood up.

"I want to make this quick." He replied and crossed his arms before his chest.


Dami's pov:

With a tiny plant under her arm, she was on the way to Y/n's office. She wanted to give her wife a plant for her office and choose one of the backyard.

"Y/n liked them and will for sure be happy to have one in her office." Dami thought.

The elevator came to a halt and the door opened. The Vampire girl was excited to see her wife. Y/n had made good progress with her mental health lately and Dami was proud. She greeted some of her wife's employees, as she walked through the open space of the floor to Y/n's new office. The door was open and she could hear some voices.

Y/n's pov:

"I'm listening." You said a little scared.

"You need to take over the Alpha title. NOW." He explained.

You were shocked by his words. He never talked with you like that. The warm tone of his voice had disappeared.

"Can we wait a little longer? I have so many things to think of and being the Alpha would only distract me." You replied.

"NO. We waited long enough. You have to it right now." The Alpha said.

"I'm flattered by your offer, but I fear that I have to decline. Please find someone else." You said and tried to sound calm, but in your voice swung panic.

"Only you can be the next Alpha. You are the chosen one. You are the one that is able to read the last page of the silver book." Your grandfather said.

"The chosen one? Me?" You panicked even more.

"Listen I don't want to be the next Alpha. I struggle enough already." You tried to make him understand what you felt.

"You don't understand. It has to be you. You are the only one who can read it. I'm sure of that and if you decline it now, a lot of people could die. You have to do it. Namjoon and Solar had pulled you into the painting for a reason. They knew that you are special." He said.

Marriage and other threadsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz