Time to heal part two

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Y/n's pov:

"You have something on your face. Right about here." You said and pointed with one finger at the corner of your own mouth. 

The other hand was still behind your back. You were excited to give your wife the gift and prayed that she would like it. A soft smile was on your face as you watched Dami brush the red stain away from her face as a blush covered her squishy cheeks.

"Sorry about that," The Vampire girl replied embarrassed.

"Don't be. It's part of who you are. You shouldn't be embarrassed about it." You told her.

"How do you feel?" Dami asked and walked closer to you.

"A lot better, but my ribs still hurt." You answered.

"No wonder. You looked like you were hit by a car or something." She chuckled.

"I got something for you. It's a little gift to say thank you because you took care of me." You told her.

She tilted her head to the side and raised an eyebrow as you handed her the small gift.

"That is not necessary." She said and looked at you softly.

"This is my way to say thank you for taking care of me." You answered. "Open it. I think you will like it." You added with a smug grin.

She took the gift from your hand and started to unwrap it.

"Oh my gosh, you did not buy the limited edition." She yelled out in surprise and excitement.

"It looks like you don't like it. I will just bring it back." You joked.

"Are you kidding? I love it. Thank you so much." She said and hugged you tightly.

"No, thank you." You said and placed the usual kiss under her ear.

As soon as your wife pulled back she placed a long kiss on your lips and it made the butterflies in your belly dance.

"I can't wait to read it." Your wife told you in excitement after she pulled back.

She made some happy jumps and you couldn't resist smiling at her cuteness.

"I was a little insecure that you would not like it." You admitted.

"Why wouldn't I? Any gift from you would be perfect." She said and leaned in for another kiss.

This time it was even softer because her lips felt like heaven.

"Even if I gave you a dead bird or something?" You joked.

"Okay, that would be a little too much." She admitted and both of you busted out in laughter.

After both of you calm down, she looked you dead in the eye.

"Did you bring takeout?" She asked.

"No, I completely forgot about it." You explained.

"Good, I wasn't that hungry anyway," Dami replied.

She wanted to say something but her phone ringing cut her off. 

"Just give me a moment." She said and pulled her phone out of her pocket.

Dami's pov:

She received the call without looking at who it was.

"Hello?" Dami said.

"Hey, it's me." Her father said.

"Oh, hi." She replied.

Marriage and other threadsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora