A new case

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Y/n's pov:

You and Dami lay in her bed completely naked. After you and her had eaten dinner, it escalated in the kitchen a little with making out and ended in the bedroom. You had to admit it was the best sex you ever had. With your eyes closed, you rested your head on Dami's chest, as she drew random patterns on the bare skin of your back. You enjoyed her touch and listened to her slow heartbeat. It felt like you could stay like that forever.

"Baby?" You lazily asked.

"Yes," Dami replied softly.

"I kinda want to tell you the whole Irene story, but I think that would kill the mood." You said nervously.

"I'm actually kind of curious about that," The Vampire girl replied.

"Are you serious?" You asked and propped up on your elbows to look at your wife.

Dami's hand stopped moving, as she nodded.

"Okay, I will tell you the story and after that, you will never hear me say her name ever again. I promise." You said.

"Go ahead, puppy" Dami smiled.

Dami's pov:

She was excited that Y/n wanted to tell her something. Usually, the other girl was quiet and only told stuff when she was asked about it.

"Gayeon was right. Y/n is more talkative with me than with other people." Dami thought and looked deep into the clear eyes of her wife.

Y/n rolled off her and covered her body with the soft duvet. Dami immediately missed the warmth of the other woman's body. She shifted to lay on her side and rested her head on her hand. In this position, she could look down at Y/n's perfect face. Y/n started to talk, as she faced the ceiling and Dami used her other hand to touch the uncovered shoulder of Y/n. Her finger drew circles on her skin.

"Okay, but this will be a little hard for me." Y/n started.

"You don't have to do this," Dami replied softly.

"You have a right to know it." Y/n pointed out.

The Vampire girl replied nothing and waited for her wife to start.

"Okay, It started all in college. I somehow bumped into her and after a short talk, she asked for my number. We did go out on a few dates and she asked me to be her girlfriend." Y/n started the story while Dami listened carefully. "It went really well and soon our half-year anniversary came up. I wanted to surprise her with a date. I had everything already planned out. I knew her lecture would end an hour before mine, so I walked straight to her dorm after my lecture. She had given me the key, so I could come and go, as I pleased." 

Y/n made a quick pause and seemed to think about her next words. Dami noticed the sadness in her eyes.

"It must still trigger her." Dami thought.

"I unlocked the door and caught her cheating on me. I was so shocked about that. I just stood there. My brain just couldn't handle that." Y/n explained her voice was quiet and it seemed that she soon would start to cry.

"I'm sorry baby," The Vampire girl whispered and brushed through the other girl's hair. Y/n closed her eyes and relaxed a little.

"I broke up with her that day and we never spoke again until two days ago. I can't describe the feeling I had when I caught her. It was the deepest sadness that I've ever felt." Y/n said as a single tear rolled down her face.

Dami didn't know what to say so she wrapped her arms around the other girl. Y/n immediately dug her face into her wife's chest to hide her tears. There was nothing Dami could say to make this memory a little more bearable for Y/n.

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