Hanging out with friends

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Sua's pov:

It was Saturday, so she didn't have to go to work. Siyeon on the other hand must have already left because her side of the bed was empty. Too tired to even move she thought about the library.

"I wish we had found something. Maybe it would've made Y/n feel better." Sua thought.

She lay there for another few minutes and got up afterward. The clock on her nightstand showed that it was already past ten.  After a long and hot shower, the Werewolf girl got dressed. The absence of her girlfriend made the apartment feel empty.

"I already miss Siyeon." She whispered to herself and let out a sigh.

She did a few chores and blew up the place with music while doing them. Her stomach growled when she was finished and she figured it was time for lunch.

"I will visit Siyeon at work. She will probably forget to eat anyway." The small girl thought.

She made herself ready to leave the apartment and locked the door, as she stepped outside. Her car was on the parking deck, so she jumped happily down the stairs. Arrived at her car she got in. She grabbed some sushi from the new restaurant, Y/n had recommended to her and drove to Siyeon's workplace. The parking deck was almost full, so she had to park her car far away from the entrance. Sua grabbed the food and headed for the stairs. The security guard flashed her a smile as she walked towards the checkpoint.

"Hi, Ms. Kim. Long time no see." He said as he let her pass.

The security guard knew her from former visits.

"I was really busy," Sua admitted and gave him a huge smile.

"Dr. Lee will be happy to see you." He pointed out. " She looked a little stressed this morning."

"It is a difficult case she works on right now," Sua explained, as she head for Siyeon's office.

The guard waved, as Sua walked around the corner. Excitement filled her pores as she walked down to the morgue. Soon the door to her girlfriend's office appeared in front of her and a smile covered her lips as she read the letters on the glass.

"Dr. Lee Siyeon Coroner."

Suddenly she was sad. Knowing that Siyeon worked hard to become a doctor made her proud but at the same time, she felt sad. The thought of not being good enough for the other girl filled her head once again and made her feel awful.

"I have accomplished nothing in my life. At least I can support my girlfriend through these hard times," Sua whispered, as she knocked softly on the door.

"Come in." She heard Siyeon say.

Sua opened the door and put a wide smile on her face.

"HEY BABY, IT'S ME." She yelled.

Siyeon looked up from her work and immediately smiled. It was the most charming smile ever and Sua's heart started to beat faster.

"Hi," Siyeon said and looked back at her papers.

"I brought you lunch," Sua explained, as she placed the food on her girlfriend's desk.


Her gaze wandered to her wristwatch and Sua just let out a giggle.

"What's the point of wearing a watch, if you don't check the time?" Sua asked as she sat down.

Her eyes never left her girlfriend. Siyeon was wearing her usual black work outfit while her hair was tied up in a bun. The taller girl looked stressed

"Well, it was a gift from my lovely girlfriend. I will wear it even if I don't use it." Siyeon explained as she touched the watch on her wrist.

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