The grand tour

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Dami's pov:

She was awake since five o'clock. After an hour she got up and walked down to the kitchen to drink a glass full of blood from one of her capsules. She didn't want Y/n to see that, so she quickly cleaned the glass and put it back in the cupboard. After that, she dressed in a beautiful light blue knee-long dress. Her hair fell on her shoulders and tickled her bare skin. She didn't bother to wear shoes or socks, because it was already warm outside, plus she was a Vampire and didn't feel the cold anyway. Warmth on the other hand was different, she could feel it. It was strange to describe it. Everything below her body temperature felt normal and everything above felt warm. For example, Y/n's hand had felt so warm in hers as they hold hands. Thinking about the other girl made her body tingle in a good way. Dami wanted that Y/n liked her but didn't know why. The attraction she felt towards the Werewolf girl was something new for her.

"I think I will make some breakfast." Dami mumbled deep in thought.

After some preparation she made pancakes. The delicious smell filled the lower floor. She placed herself at the table and wanted to start eating when she heard some footsteps coming down the stairs. Y/n peeked her head in the dining room. Their eyes met for a moment and Dami felt this strange tingle again but this time it was a lot stronger.

"Morning. Did you sleep well?" Dami asked and flashed her wife a smile.

"It took me a while to fall asleep," Y/n replied shortly, as she stepped inside.

"If you want, there are some pancakes left," Dami was still smiling and she knew the source of her happiness was the Werewolf girl.

The women she could call her wife.It was strange to address Y/n as her wife but Dami liked the idea of getting to know the other girl a little better.

Y/n sollowed hard and walked to the kitchen to get herself a plate. After a while, she came back with her plate and placed herself on the opposite side of the table. Both girls were now eating delicious pancakes. After they finished Y/n took both plates and cutlery.

"It's my turn to do the dishes." She simply explained.

There was no expression on her face and her words sounded cold but they still surprised Dami and she followed her wife to the kitchen. The Vampire girl watched Y/n do the dishes. After the Werewolf girl was done, she stored everything back in the cupboard.

"Are you ready for the grand tour?" Dami asked with a smile.

"Sure," Y/n replied.

There was still not a single hint of a smile on Y/n's face and Dami started to wonder if Y/n was able to smile or if her face always lookked so expressionless.

"Okay then let's start," Dami said.

They started on the ground floor. There was of course the open kitchen/ dining room. The lighting was bright and it made the room appear bigger. With a fashionable white kitchen and some very old cabinets the room looked modern but yet classy. The dining table was also old-fashioned. The furniture and kitchen fit well together. Old and new complemented each other.

The same can be said about the living room. Damis's couch fit well with the old fireplace and the bookshelves gave the room a lovely touch. The wooden floor was really old but well preserved. A huge plant stood next to the window. Dami had brought it with her and had a hard time getting it to the living room due to its weight. The carpet under the couch and couch table was fluffy. Dami could see herself relaxing here with a book in her hand and a fire burning in the fireplace on cold winter days. Maybe Y/n would even join her but that was just on of Dami's day dreams.

There was also a small bathroom on that floor and a salon with a table and a few chairs. Two armchairs stood next to each other and it seemed that they weren't used often. The furniture was also old-fashioned.  A showcase full of old whisky and scotch covered one of the walls and some of the alcoholic drinks were for sure expensive.

Marriage and other threadsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz