The fight

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Y/n's pov:

You heard that Dami and Jiu running away from you while two of the creatures were approaching. Dami's steps faded away in the distance and you forced yourself to calm down. 

"Okay, Dami is still safe. No need to get scared. Just focus on these idiots." You calmed yourself.

You started to run to the nearest creature. A few more steps separated the two of you. You were ready to hit it with your knife, but one of your friends was faster. A big black wolf jumped over you and landed on the creature. You made a quick step to the side, as you aimed for another enemy. As you ran past the two fighting creatures, you could see that Siyeon had dug her claws into its shoulders and pressed them to the ground. It tried to hit her side but failed. 

"Watch out Siyeon. There is another one behind you." You yelled and threw your knife into its shoulder, as it wanted to attack Siyeon from behind.

The impact made it tremble. You wanted to help Siyeon, but Sua transformed herself and jumped between her girlfriend and the stabbed creature.

"I think they can handle two of them."  You thought and focused on the other two.

You had no weapon, so you made yourself ready for a fistfight. One of the creatures was already close enough to hit you, but you dodged its attack easily. The other just waited for you to get unfocused. It sneaked around the two of you.

"You are one ugly motherfucker." You scoffed, just to make it angry.

"And you smell like a dog." It replied angrily.

You chuckled a little and tried to hit it with a few punches. The creature was quick, and so were you. The both of you couldn't hit the other. You saw in the corner of your eyes that one of the two creatures Sua and Siyeon fought, was laying on the ground in a huge pool of blood.

"Well, that one is dead." You thought and focused back on the creature in front of you, but you were too late.

It used your brief moment of unfocus and jumped at you. It almost threw you on the ground, but you duck to the side, so it just hit you on your shoulder. It didn't hurt much, but it made you stumble. You wanted to stand up straight when it jumped at you again. You heard a howl and Sua tackled the creature. She nodded with her head behind you. You turned around, just to see one of the creatures run around the corner of the library. It was the same direction Dami And Jiu had fled.

"Oh, no." You whispered.

Your feet started to run on their own. You jumped over the dead creature and passed the one you had killed with your knife a few minutes ago.

"Please, let me be there in time." You made a silent prayer.

You turned around the corner, just to see the creature standing in front of your wife. Its claws were ready to strike, as Dami lay on the ground. She raised her arm to protect herself. There was no way you could make it there in time without transforming into your wolf form.

"NO, NOT MY PANDAGIRL." You thought and made a huge jump.

Mid-jump you transformed into your wolf form. You hated it, but it was the only thing you could do to stop the creature. Your senses intensified and your anger did as well. You landed on top of the creature. The impact had such force, it yeeted the creature and you into the bush next to Dami. As both of you landed in the dirt, the creature let out a hiss. You got on your paws and bared your teeth, as you glanced at your opponent. Your claws dug into the ground. A growl left your mouth, as the creature clumsily got up. You made yourself ready and jumped at it. The creature on the other hand tried to flee. You bit down on its shoulder and threw it on the ground in the process. It tried to escape your grip, but you were stronger. You bit down harder and the creature screamed in pain.

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