Hurt Feelings

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"ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?" Your father yelled. 


"I want you to behave like a decent person. I bet you were rude to Yubin, while I was with her parents, right? Is it so hard to be a little more socializing and nice to them?" He said with a now calmer voice. "Yubin was such a lovely girl. Imagine what she thinks of us now." He added.

"Why don't you marry her then, if she is SO lovely?" You simply replied.

 There was still a little anger in your voice. Your argument had lasted for the whole car ride It was exhausting at this point. Your father didn't wanted to accept the fact that you would probably have a panic attack at the wedding. You tried to convince him to hold a simple and short ceremony and not invite too many guests, but he didn't wanted to hear about it. Your only hope was that Dami would have the same effect on you while the wedding would last as she had the first time you two meet.

"So when is the marriage?" You asked.

"We came to an agreement. It will take place in seven Days." He said.

"That will be next Friday." You gasped with a lump in your throat.

Suddenly you felt scared. Panic spread in your body and you were close to crying. Your eyes already started to tear up.

"Listen, I know you hate Vampires but this family will help us and we will help them as well. They are important for our company. Do you understand that? For once just don't screw it up. I warn you." Your father's voice was threatening.

"I do understand the circumstances, but I don't understand why it has to be me."Your answer was a whisper.

"You are the only descendant who is old enough. Do you want to wed your 10-year-old cousins to her?" The sarcasm in his voice was just annoying.

"No." Was your short reply.

"So are you behaving from now on?"Your father asked.

"Yes, I will." You replied.

The rest of the car ride was silent. Just the music could be heard and the steady hum of the car's engine. Silent tears started to roll down your face, as you tried to hold your sniffs back. Life was just unfair. You wanted to marry someone you love, not someone you barely knew. The fact that your future wife would be a Vampire made it even worse. 

As soon as your father parked the car in front of the Villa, you jumped out. You just wanted to go to your room as fast as possible. But your father called you back. After you had turned around, you locked eyes with him. 

"I know it's hard but this is how the world of none humans works. We need the Vampires on our side, so both of our kinds can grow and expand. We need to work more together. Not against each other" He told you with a calm expression.

"Yeah, I know and we let the Humans be, so they never find out about us. You told me so many times." You responded.

"Then change your attitude. You have seven days. I hope until then you know where your place is and what we expect from you, otherwise you know what will happen." He threatened you.

"Exile." You said. 

Your voice was just a whisper. Your father nodded and walked inside the house without looking back. You ran to your room. Arrived in your room you throw yourself on the bed. You buried your face in your pillow to make your sobbing no longer audible.

After a while, you had calmed down. You turned to lay on your back.  The hatred and sadness you feel for this world had reached its peak. It was common for Werewolfs to have arranged marriages, but not with Vampires, besides Dami was a girl and you were sure that a lot of your kind were homophobic. You on the other hand had no problem with people from the LGBT+ scene because you were also part of that scene. Your parents knew that you were bisexual. They were not really amused when you had told them, but now they even had searched for a wife that could fit you.

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