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Felix's pov:

After a good night's rest, he got up early. He wanted to make breakfast for Y/n before he left to execute the plan. Yesterday they had decided to sneak into the Skugga's hideout after lunch because in the afternoon the hideout was almost empty. Thankfully Felix had remembered that in the afternoon the Skugga tend to be lazy and don't do much in the hideout.

"A few more hours and I can finally be of use." Felix thought as he walked down the stairs.

Y/n must still be asleep so he prepared something tiny for her to eat. He knew that Y/n wasn't going to eat much because of her sickness but she needed the energy that the food will give her. With a smile on his face, he carried the food to the room Y/n slept in. It was not his cousin's room. Felix knew that. 

"She slept in her wife's room to feel a little less alone. Being separated from her must be hard." The boy thought as he knocked on the door.

There was no reaction so he opened the door carefully.

"Y/n? Are you awake?" He asked and peeked his head in.

Y/n was sleeping like a stone while she clung onto a big panda plushie. The scene was just too cute. It made Felix smile.

"I let her sleep." He thought and placed the food on the nightstand but Y/n had other ideas.

She moved in her sleep and scared the shit out of Felix. The sudden movement was something the boy was not prepared for. He flinched back. A habit he reaction he couldn't control. The food got almost dropped in the process. It took Felix a moment to get it together again and after some deep breaths, he calmed down.

"Why does every sudden movement scare me?" The boy asked himself as he placed the toast with butter and strawberry jam on Y/n's nightstand.

His father had taught him many lessons on behaving, but it was never enough. There was always something Felix managed to do wrong. Even the tiniest of mistakes made his father furious. Felix remembered the pain and the tears. The lonely nights in his room where he prayed to be released from this hell but now he never had to think about it again but still sudden movements triggered him. 

"Thank you for letting me stay here," Felix mumbled as he watched Y/n sleep.

His cousin was curled up under the sheets. She looked so peaceful that Felix let her stay in dreamland.


Felix pov:

It was almost lunch and Y/n still didn't get up. Of course, Felix started to worry and checked up on her occasionally, but everything seemed to be fine. The time passed by quickly and soon it was time for Felix to leave. Yesterday they agreed to meet in the Alpha's mansion before heading to the Skugga's hideout. Felix started to get nervous as he grabbed his coat.

"Should I wake her up?" He asked himself.

Y/n would want to come as well but Felix knew it was better if she would rest so he exited the house quietly and walked over the gravel of the gateway.

"Don't worry Y/n. I will get the information we need." Felix promised and turned into his wolf form.

He didn't own a car and taking Y/n's without asking her was rude. Maybe running would help clear his mind so the wolf started to make his way to the Alpha's mansion. The fur was gray with a little bit of white. Every pack had its signature color and every member had that color in their furs. Of course, the Alpha pack's color was white and Y/n hit the jackpot with her wolf form. Never had Felix seen something purer than his cousin's wolf form. There was something so majestic about it that it made Felix a little jealous but at the same time, he was proud. Y/n was his role model and he hoped one day he would be like her.

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