Hurt and comfort

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Dami's pov:

All of the others had left and Dami waited for her wife in the entrance hall. She still wondered how Y/n was suddenly able to send her thoughts. Usually, they were able to hear each other's thoughts when strong emotions were involved but they needed to be close to each other or at least in the same room so how was Y/n able to do it?

"It never worked when she tried it before." Dami thought as she walked up and down the giant hall.

"Dami?" A quiet voice interrupted her and she turned around just to see a very shy Felix.

He held a pouch in his hand and seemed to be insecure while he avoided eye contact. In moments like this, he acted like Y/n would. They both were insecure when an important conversation was ahead of them but they would not back away from it. Dami knew what she had to do. She let Felix do the first step like she would do with her wife. After some time the boy finally spoke.

"I was back at the cathedral with Handong and I had time to gather the remains of your father. I know this won't bring him back but I hope this will help you find comfort." Felix held out the hand with the pouch so Dami could grab it.

"You didn't need to do this." Dami pointed out as she grabbed the pouch.

Of course, she was flattered by his gesture. He seemed to be as kind as Y/n.

"You are wrong. I needed to bring him back to you. All of him so you can say goodbye. I couldn't leave him in this cathedral." Felix replied.

"Thank you, Felix." Dami smiled and pulled him into a tight hug.

The hug lasted for a few moments and when Dami pulled back she could see the hint of a smile on Felix's face.

"I'm glad that you are part of this family now. I have to admit I was skeptical at first but now I can see how kind and loyal you are. I'm sure Y/n and your grandfather are proud of you." Dami said.

"Thank you. This means a lot to me." Felix replied as he bowed a little.

After that, he said goodbye and left. It was true. Dami was glad that Felix was part of her family. He was like a little brother. Now the Vampire girl was alone and again she could feel the sadness in her heart as she looked at the pouch in her hand.

"At least you are no longer at this godforsaken place," Dami mumbled.

"I'm sorry that you had to wait, baby." Y/n's voice pulled her out of her thoughts.

"No worries, darling," Dami replied as she turned around.

"What is that?" Y/n asked and pointed at the pouch in Dami's hand.

The Werewolf girl looked curious as she frowned her brow.

"Felix brought me the rest of my father's ash. He and Handong were back at the cathedral and he thought it would be best to bring him home." The red-haired girl explained.

"That was nice of him. Do you want to bring him over to your parent's house? I mean we have time and I don't mind." Y/n said with a soft smile as her hand reached out for Dami's.

The warmth of Y/n's skin made the Vampire girl feel safe and relaxed. For a moment she drowned in her wife's clear eyes before she snapped out of it.

"That would be lovely," Dami replied and they exited the house together.

Y/n opened the car door for Dami so the Vampire girl was able to slip in and sit down in the driver's seat. The strong smell of vanilla entered Dami's lungs as she took a few deep breaths. It was the air freshener Y/n had in her car and the smell reminded Dami always of the first time they spend in the car. It was right after their wedding and Y/n was so introverted and repellent back then but now a lot of things have changed and the Werewolf girl wasn't so closed up anymore.

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