On the inside

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Gahyeon's pov:

"Oh, my god." Gahyeon gasped and didn't believe her eyes.

Sua was wrong the cut-off hands were not the worst. What Gayeon's eyes could see now was something so cruel that her heart stopped beating for a moment.

"Who put unborn babies in glass jars?" Sua mumbled as her eyes widened in disbelief.

"Monsters." Felix simply replied.

"They must experiment on their victims before they kill them." Gahyeon pointed out and searched for something useful in the room.

A distraction was needed. Otherwise, her mind wouldn't be able to cope with this scenario.

"For what do they need hands and babies?" Sua asked and walked over to the bookshelf that was filled with binders.

Probably just to distract herself from the fact that they were surrounded by pure horror.

"I don't want to know," Felix whispered.

 His face was pale and he looked like he was about to faint at any moment. Gahyeon couldn't agree more. She wanted to leave this place as fast as possible. Cold sweat rolled down her spine as she joined Sua while Felix was frozen to the spot and it looked like he didn't even breathe.

Felix's pov:

He couldn't move a single muscle as a voice in his head told him to leave. The temperature in the room was low but it wasn't the reason for his body to shiver.

"All these poor babies." He thought.

This was the worst thing he ever saw in his life. Seeing the dead babies floating in this yellowish liquid made his stomach turn. The urge to throw up got stronger with every second and he could feel how his body begged him to let all of his stomach contents out.

"Are you okay, Felix?" The soft voice of Gahyeon pulled him out of his thoughts.

She was standing right in front of him and had laid her hand on his shoulder. Felix was so derailed that he didn't even notice her coming closer.

"Yeah, I just feel a little nauseous." He replied with a shaky voice.

"Maybe you should sit down," Sua said without looking up from the document she was reading.

"Sua is right. You should sit down. I don't want you to faint." Gahyeon agreed as she helped him sit on the floor.

"I'm sorry that I can't be of use right now." Felix apologized.

"What are you talking about? You brought us here and helped us sneak passed these ugly bald bitches." Gahyeon replied and patted his shoulder.

"But right now I'm just a burden." He whispered while looking into Gahyeon's eyes.

"Hey, don't be so hard on yourself. It's okay to feel unwell in such a situation." The black-haired girl smiled.

She crouched in front of him as she ruffled through his hair. For a moment he felt like a child again. Y/n's mother always did that before Felix's father decided to treat his brother's family like shit. This small gesture reminded him of his childhood when everything was light and breezy. Felix missed the times when he and Y/n played in the giant backyard.

"So many things have changed around me and I'm still this little boy who can never keep up with the others. I will always be the one that gets left behind." Felix thought sadly. "I still can't fight for myself. My father was right. My birth was a mistake."

He couldn't look longer at the smiling girl in front of him and let his head hang down.

"Just stay here. Sua and I will handle this." Gahyeon assured him before she stood up to help the other girl.

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