A dream come true

Start from the beginning

I pour my uncle a few fingers in a tumbler and we move to sit by the fire to catch up.  "What's it been 2 years?, my father says.  "Too long" my uncle says sighing. 

Are you any closer to finding the Warlock my father asks?.  With that my uncles face drops.  "No and I don't think we will be for some time now".  "Why?" my father and I ask at the same time. 

My uncle Harry takes a deep breath and gives us a run down on the events of the last couple of years.  "And you see, I said goodbye to them today" that's why I decided to come for a visit, he says. 

He's talking about the Justice twins.  The very same unobtainable half of the duet that I have crushed on since seeing her that one time all that time ago. They are legendary in our world because of him.  He often tells us of their talents. They've solved more crimes than any other protector in history and I relish in any snippets I hear about them.

Reme sends me an image of the she wolf. She's still like some mythical Angel, with blonde, almost white hair, beautiful tan skin and a body like a wet dream. I wonder if we have built her up over the years to be this beautiful and appealing or if she is in fact this lovely. She's the only she wolf that Remi is happy to project images of which has always baffled me. There was no bond when I sat near her that day.

My father clears his throat bringing me back to the now and away from thoughts of the girl that I fantasies about.  As if I would be blessed with someone like her even giving me the time of day.

"Yes" my wolf and I are extremely sad that they've left the Kingdom" my uncle says.  Sword has claimed them as family, he says and my father and I spit our scotch back in to our glasses in surprise. 

"How can that be?" My father asks.  "Hell if I know" he says.  "You know after visiting her quarters, I had to ask if you had masterminded her living arrangements he says to me.  "How so" I ask confused.  "She had conjured up a near replica to your quarters in the Kingdom he says. 

How odd I think to myself before another feeling of giddiness washes over me at the thought of her feeling relaxed in the same style of den as I do.  My father wiggles his brows, she may be it son.  It would explain why you haven't felt the bond whilst hers is Hybernated during her duties.  "You like the same decor", he adds, to which I laugh. 

My uncle looks like he may have seen a ghost, "it would explain why my wolf see's her as family too" he says looking excited at the prospect. 

Suddenly I start to feel hopeful and for the first time in forever the bond within my chest tugs.  "I smile when I tell them both what happened, "see, my father says, I've got a great feeling about this. 

I never thought about her bond. I wouldn't have felt anything, of course I wouldn't have. But then the self doubt comes back at me. That would be like a human getting together with their a list celebrity crush. It just doesn't happen. I can't even bring myself to think that I would be blessed enough to have her. It's ridiculous.

With renewed energy my uncle clasps my shoulders "this revelation could change everything my boy". Reme spins around in my mind chasing his tail in excitement as my cheeks heat in embarrassment at their assumptions. I think I would die if she could hear this conversion right now. What a laugh she would have at my expense.

We leave the library and head towards my mother and the guests in the great hall but now that I have just the slightest possibility of a mate I can't help the spring in my step, I feel like a changed man even if it is make believe.

The aura in the room is bearable due to the happiness radiating off of the three of us Alpha's and in turn the pack are at ease.  I worried for them earlier in the day, having the king of our species sat in their dining hall is not an easy feat.

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