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Jimin-"Hiiiii sis"

Tae-"Hii bro"
*Both has a siblings hug and giggle at each other*

Jimin-"Are you trying to give your husband an heart attack hmmm 😏😏😏"

Tae-"yeahhh Bro Stop it 😳😳😳"
*Taehyung was a blushing mess at her brother complaint and Jimin giggle at her*

Jimin-"But it's True your looking indeed Breathing taking gorgeous 😍😍😍"

Tae-"Thanks bro but you yourself looking not any less your looking really handsome"

Jimin-"Thank you sister so let's go and where is rose"

Tae-"yeah sure let's go And Rose is coming or not coming see she came"
*Taehyung pointed behind her pointing towards a girl and went And seat down in the car and Jimin who's eyes fell upon the girl where taehyung pointed his breath got hickted in his throat And He was staring at the another beauty And was Lost looking at the Beautiful girl infront of her And rose on the other hand came And stood infront of Jimin who was Lost somewhere and wave her hand Infront of him while trying to Make him come out of his dream land*

Rose-"Hello are you There Jimin 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️"

Jimin-"yeah yeah Hii rose"

Rose-"Hello Jimin"
*Rose was looking at Jimin nervous and he was cressing his neck while avoiding his eyes contract From her And smiling nervously and she don't know what was this new behaviour means*

Rose-"so let's go come on Jimin"

Jimin-"yeah sure But wait wanna tell you something"
*Rose came across infront of Jimin And pacing him she was About to go to car But Jimin was fast he immediately hold rose hand making her stopping in her track and Then rose turned around and become nervous looking at Jimin was so much close to her and the way he was looking at her it's really making her More nervous from his Deep gaze and his eyes shows New emotion which she don't know what's it's means but she was liking the new feeling she was getting Inside her*

Jimin-"rose your really looking really beautiful Just like a real rose 🌹🌹😍😍"

Rose-"Th-an-k y-ou Ji-m-in a-nd yo-u y-ou-rs-e-lf lo-oki-n-g re-al-ly h-an-ds-om-e s-o le-t's g-o"
*Rose Said while stuttering And she was the one who break the eyes contact and took her hand back from Jimin's grip and Jimin followed him while saying*

Jimin-"yeah sure okay let's go"
*Then both Jimin And Rose came and seat down in the car where taehyung was waiting for them and seeing There came she looked at them smiling or let's say teasing smile because she was enjoying the Romantic Drama of both Jimin's And rose conversation and everything because she was seeing everything from the car because it was not Much far away from them And when there's came And seat down in the car she see both of there red tomato faces and she was smirking more looking at both of them with Teasing gazes 😏😏😏*

Tae-"why your Both faces are so much red hmmm 😏😏😏 what happened"

Jimin and Rose-"Nothing 😳😳😳"
*Jimin and Rose Said at the sametime And taehyung was looking at them while seeing there shy embarrassed self while controlling her giggles she ask them while smirking 😏😏😏*

Tae-"really your both fine"

Rose-"yeah we both are fine right Jimin"

Jimin-"yess yess rose is right"

Tae-"Then why are your faces so much red Like tomato 😏😏😏"

Jimin-"ohh this it's because it's so much hot Here"

Rose-"yeah Jimin it's really hot Here come on turn on The AC okay"

Jimin-"yess Rose done and taehyung now let's go it's already Late"

Tae-"yeah yeah sure 😏😏😏 let's go"
*Taehyung naughty gaze and naughty Talks continue the whole ride making Jimin And Rose More shy and nervous then There already was and taehyung was really enjoying teasing them because it's both of them who always tease her But now that she got the chance so how can she let go of it and on the other hand Jimin complainted rose today in a Very different way and the moment it was really very special for both of them because Both were always playful And breckring towards each other But today There were having new emotions And New feeling inside them and there both don't know what's this new feeling is called But there both was liking it very much there themselves don't know why But There was Just loving this new feeling*

To Be continued.........

[Watch The episode] available on My YouTube Channel also link to My YouTube is in my bio don't forget to subscribe it And support me and click on the Star ⭐ button for Taekook 😘😘😘 And Have a beautiful day or night saranghaeooooo my sweetheart's

My Shy Wife Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ