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Jk-"Ohh no no Mom 😅😅😅 your getting me wrong i came yess i remember i came for drinking juice right it's morning so drinking juice in morning is good it's taehyung said me right taehyung"
*Jungkook mom was Just smiling and controlling her laugh and When Jungkook mentioned taehyung and asked her to agree through eyes contract with him while taehyung was Just smiling And don't know what to say she was Just becoming tomato 😳😳😳 with Jungkook eyes contract and with her mother in law's naughty gaze And she Just nodded her head while looking away from Jungkook and smiling shyly While Jungkook smiling rubbing the back of his neck seeing his wife all shy shy Just with his eyes contract and she was All tomato and while Jungkook mom Just smile seeing the cute couple infront of her*

Mrs Jeon-"you're a very bad liar Jungkook now go to dinning room the breakfast is almost ready go naughty boy"
*Mrs Jeon and taehyung gone back to prepare the breakfast while still controlling there laugh 😂😂😂 about poor Jungkook state and Jungkook just seeing everything he was really really angry that how his wife can't even properly lie with him and he saw that his mom Left to keep the plates in the dinning table and see taehyung busy and all alone he went towards her And back hugged Her making her all shocked 😳😳😳*

Tae-"w-ha-t a-re yo-u d-oi-ng Ju-n-gk-o-ok so-m-eon-e w-il-l s-e-e L-ea-ve m-e"

Jk-"shhhh that you should thought before laughing And making fun of your husband is very bad wifely you will surely get the pusinhment for this Just Wait"
*Saying it in Deep husky voice Jungkook left from there but not before stealing a kissy from her beautiful wifely kissing her round chubby cheeks and while Taehyung was Just shocked don't know what to say or what to do Jungkook word's was still running in her mind and the kiss she Just kept the hand on her cheek where Jungkook Just kissed And left and was smiling while feeling her cheeks heated up*

Mrs Jeon-"taehyung Baby bring the Juice while coming ok"

Tae-"Okay mom coming"

Tae-"ohhhh no i have to go now And face the whole family And Jungkook will be There also so i can't be all tomato And beetroot now yess so shhhh yesssssssss you can do it fighting taehyung"
*Taehyung pat her tomato cheek's and make herself normal And hide her nervousness and shyness And left From there taking the juice with her*

To Be continued.........

[Watch The episode] available on My YouTube Channel also link to My YouTube is in my bio don't forget to subscribe it And support me and click on the Star ⭐ button for Taekook 😘😘😘 And Have a beautiful day or night saranghaeooooo my sweetheart's

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