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Tae-"Jungkook i will get showered and be back okay"

Jk-"Okay baby take you're time"
*Jungkook smiled at taehyung And was so so much happy word's can't describe his happiness seeing taehyung in his room her presence her Everything he always dreamed about having and seeing her the First thing in the morning And Last thing in the night and today he was seeing his dream was coming true and taehyung was in his room and this is Just the first day and Like this there going to be together for There rest of There life and just the thought of whole long Life he was so much happy And was smiling like an idiot 🙈🙈🙈*

Time skip

Author pov
Taehyung got her shower but afterwards she realised that she have forgotten to Take her changing clothes with her and was only wearing a bath robe and Jungkook was right outside now what she will do and time was Just passing by and she was not getting any idea then taehyung thought maybe her Stuff and suitcase would be somewhere in the room only so she would slowly go out without Jungkook knowing and get her clothes And come back and get changed

Tae -"yess taehyung this is better Idea then embarassing myself infront of Jungkook because I forget the clothes so this is better let's go fighting taehyung but slowly slowly okay"
*Talking to herself taehyung got out of the bathroom and saw Jungkook was busy in his phone and his back was facing taehyung which means he don't know she is out of bathroom and that's very good and she immediately started searching for her Stuff  but can't find her bags or suitcase anywhere while Jungkook stopped playing his game once he smiled a familiar smell it's taehyung body wash and then he looked and saw towards the bathroom door And saw it was opened and then he looked another side and finally saw taehyung but gulped down because she was only in a bathroom and her hair was wet And water was dropping from it making his breath hicked*

Jk- "Are you trying to seduced me Mrs Jeon"
*Jungkook was talking to himself while smirking and his heart beating faster than SUGA RAPPING 🤣🤣🤣 and he pat his chest calming his crazy heart down and was removing all the other stuff From his mind And shake his head telling to himself*

Jk-"calm down heartu calm down don't think anything Naughty calm down "
*Jungkook saying to himself and Calming his heart down while on the other hand taehyung don't have any idea that Jungkook got her attention and she was still busy searching for her suitcase, bags And other stuff*

Jk-"if you're finding for you're stuff then nope it's not here because it would be delivered here by tomorrow morning"
*Taehyung stopped searching Once she heard deep husky voice And her heart started beating into another level with butterflies doing DANCING BATTLE 🤭🤭🤭🙈🙈🙈 in her stomach*

Tae-"Then what should I wear hmm"
* mumbling to herself she nervously turned around only to find Jungkook Just inches away from him And was having mischievous grin in his eyes which means Jungkook has heard it what she said and she was More than embarrassed now and her cheek heated up and she was scolding herself in her mind that why she came out of the bathroom and it's more embarrassing then Asking for clothes altest that she would have not be standing here infront of Jungkook in Just in her BATH ROBE*

Jk-"back to earth wifely "
* taehyung train of thoughts was interrupted by Jungkook deep husky voice who was leaning against her making her stuck between him And the wall and keeping his both hands on either side and no way to escape and he lean down near her more And still holding same mischievous grin in his face And said looking directly in her eyes*

Jk- "don't be so much shy it's okay I'm you're husband you so don't be embarrassed to walk around in bathrobe because you're looking really hot And sexy but i don't mind if you walk around without the bathrob-"
*But Jungkook word's was cut off by taehyung who immediately covered his mouth with her small hand and don't wanted to become beetroot anymore because she was already tomato and Jungkook teasing would surely make her beetroot which she don't want and don't want to embarrassed herself anymore*

Tae-"Ju-n-gk-o-ok 🙈😳🙈"
*After covering Jungkook mouth with her hand Taehyung wrispered to herself and immediately looked down avoiding Jungkook gaze while Jungkook smile looking at her shy wife and took away her hand from his mouth And placed a kiss on her hand and lean down And wrispered in her ears in her deep husky voice*

To Be continued.........

[Watch The episode] available on My YouTube Channel also link to My YouTube is in my bio don't forget to subscribe it And support me and click on the Star ⭐ button for Taekook 😘😘😘 And Have a beautiful day or night saranghaeooooo my sweetheart's

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