epilogue part three

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Three Years Later...

"Show starts in twenty," Natalie's assistant said to her as she hurried over to her with the hot cup of tea Natalie asked for.

With nervousness coursing through her, Natalie grabbed the hot cup and nodded, saying, "thank you, Tosha."

Tosha smiles at her, adjusting the headset that she wears in order to communicate with the crew.

After getting married, Natalie felt it was time to get in touch with Naomi about her career. In addition to being a friend, Naomi served as a mentor for her. Naomi gave her a lot of advice and educated her about the fashion industry, assuring that she wouldn't get screwed out by fakes and phonies.

Because of the assistance and Natalie's undeniably talented ways, she was able to get her first show up and running with all sorts of positive feedback. The show was so good that people assumed her husband had brought her the connections, and while he let her work hard for what she wanted, he did help her get the studio she wanted to create.

Natalie had her eyes set on this beautiful spot in the city, and when she was told no about getting the space, it saddened her. She wondered why and discovered that someone was already in the process of owning it, so she couldn't sign the papers.

Seeing his wife frown, Sam made sure she had the space to herself by the end of the week. If she wanted it because it seemed like the ideal workspace for herself, or if it was somewhere she wanted because of the nice view, she was going to get it.

And he did that for her, handing Natalie the keys to her new studio.

She smiled at Sam and thanked him, not even wanting to comprehend how such a gorgeous space with a view of the city was just being 'given up'.

"Need anything else, Natalie?" Tosha asks, wanting to make sure she was free to go.

Natalie was a great boss, and she was kind to her workers. She didn't want them to fear her, as this was not a job that needed fearing, but she did want them to respect her. Same goes for the other fashion designers in the industry, but she knew there were going to be a few dicks along the way.

Her work was extravagant, and not many could believe how her mind was able to come up with such wonderful designs. Almost every piece on the runway was so breath-taking, and she took every compliment and held it close to her chest.

However, this made her nervous for her next show. Her first one did so well that she was scared that this one wouldn't live up to expectations.

"No, I'm good," Natalie smiles at her, forcing it as her mind was running wild. She watched Tosha walk off, shifting her gaze to the cup in her hold.

She no longer wanted a steaming drink, as she needed something cold to calm her and soothe her, even in the slightest way, because her body temperature was rising.

Natalie moved her feet to a table full of food to eat and water, squeezing past models and people that worked the show. Natalie wanted nothing more than to enjoy this special day, as she spent months sketching her designs, getting them brought to life, and fitting them to models.

There were venues she had to look through because location was important to impress the crowd.

Her theme was summer, so she had to be selective of not only the outfits but also how wide the stage would be, the order of the models walking, everything from the lights to the layout. She had a wide range of models that screamed diversity, making her designs accessible to everyone of all body types.

That was the only way she wanted her work to be shown.

It was bizarre to know that any and everyone could criticize her work in the rawest way, not considering how thoughtful the process was. She was picky with her makeup artists—the people who set up the extra seats, ring lights, and equipment for hair and make-up changes. The type of fabric she used, who wore what, and choosing the shoes and jewelry. Everything.

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