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The Young's are Hurting...

After a full month, Natalie was in no mood to return to work because she was enjoying her time with her son so much. Luca was doing so good.

According to the doctor, Luca was developing normally, weighed like an average one-month-old, and showed no signs of concern. The doctor was also pleased with his physical exam, beaming at both parents before letting them leave with him.

Every little thing impressed those two.

Luca was now lifting his head when lying on his stomach, turning his head, and focusing on a moving object. Their favorite thing was feeling Luca tightly grasp their fingers in his hand; it made them smile every time. He was just growing right before their eyes, and it was magical. 

As for Sam and Natalie, they were adjusting to this new life together, although they were separate.

For now, it seems to be working for them. Sam would frequently stop by to see Luca, and the mere sight of his face would make up for any bad day. It was refreshing for Natalie to see these moments with her own eyes. She was grateful that he was around because he truly did help out.

Natalie would spend most of her nights waking up every three hours for a diaper change or to make a bottle. She would be exhausted, but with Sam stopping by early in the morning or early afternoons, she was able to nap for a little.

Sometimes, when he planned to leave and saw her knocked out of the bed or couch, he stayed a little longer to let her sleep. Sam knew she must've been tired with those inconsistent hours between ten p.m. and six in the morning. The least he could do was show up at her door to watch him for a few hours.

Being that he was taking being a dad seriously, he was delaying a few meetings or making Riccardo and Mattia show up on his behalf. Luca was far more important, and if Sam wasn't desperately needed for an occasion or meeting, he was sending someone else. Richie was understanding of it, appreciating the fact that his son wanted to be there for Luca.

Richie was a bit of a slacker since he was taught that women were supposed to take care of the children. He quickly learned that was nonsense, and Giulia was quite lucky.

"Look what I got!" Jade sings as she steps off the elevator. Natalie lifted her gaze and gasped as Jade went on, "mhm, medium-iced salted caramel mocha with whip cream and caramel drizzle."

Natalie extended her arm out for the drink, wiggling her fingers, "thank you, thank you," she said with excitement. Getting the cup in her grasp, she says, "you love me."

Jade nods, "of course I do," rounding the large desk to start putting her stuff down.

Natalie started busting the straw open, "oh you have no idea how much I've missed coffee."

"Luca had you missin' out," she giggled, watching Natalie take a sip like she was dying of thirst.

Natalie moaned at the flavor, "I don't know what I miss more; coffee or sleep."

Jade sat down beside her, "Luca's been keeping you up all night?"

"Mhm," she nodded, taking another sip, "Sam has been helping out as much as he could, but when it's my time, I can't do it."

"Well, don't forget, you did just carry a baby for nine months, waited eight extra hours to give birth to him, and you're still recovering from that," Jade reminded.

Natalie was still experiencing postpartum symptoms, including extreme exhaustion, low energy even after waking up, irritability, and trouble focusing. In addition, she was still bleeding from giving birth and was extremely self-conscious. Adjusting to motherhood was not easy.

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