thirty seven

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Their first day in Aspen was spent shopping, Natalie finding these cute, colorful sweatshirts to bring back home. After dinner and cleaning things up, everyone went to their rooms and watched TV or went to bed. Sam and Natalie were tired, but Luca kept them up for some time.

Luca wasn't fussy, but they were interacting with their child, not noticing that the hour was creeping in at two in the morning.

Luca was lying between them, Natalie rubbing his stomach until he slowly closed his eyes. She didn't notice she fell asleep until she woke up to the sun shining through the window and Sam walking back inside the room.

She squinted her eyes, using her arms to block the sun, "what time is it?" she asked lowly, her throat a little dry.

"Nine o'clock," Sam said as he picked up his phone that was on the bedside table, silencing the call that clearly woke her up and interrupted him as he brushed his teeth.

He had woken up just a few minutes ago, changing Luca before letting him lay beside Natalie with pillows on the other side to prevent him from rolling off the bed.

She yawned, resting her head against the pillow.

Everyone was expected to get up around nine to start their day, eat as a group, eventually get ready, and be out the front door to go sledding a little after noon. Natalie's never gone sledding before, so she was excited to experience it.

"I should change Luca," she jolted up a little, going to get up, but Sam's words stopped her.

"I already did," he said, typing away at his phone with knitted brows.

She inhaled softly and nodded, slowing and lying back down.

"You okay?" she asks, seeing the frustrated expression on Sam's face.

Sam nodded shortly, "yeah," sending another message to Lou before tossing his phone back onto the nightstand.

A knock at the door was proof that their privacy no longer lasted, Natalie yelling for the person to come in. She waved lightly over at Elena as she walked inside with a smile on her face and bright pink Christmas pajamas.

"Good morning," Elena said as she sped inside the room, making her way over to the bed.

"Good morning," Natalie said in unison with Sam, Sam heading back to the bathroom to finish brushing his teeth and washing his face.

"Please tell me he's awake because I would hate to have to wake him up," Elena said as she peaked over the blanket and caught that Luca's eyes were open, little feet moving under the comforter, "he is," she squealed, rushing to his side. Luca knew she was coming for him and rolled into Natalie's side with a soft giggle, "don't you run away from me, little boy," Elena chuckled at his actions, scooping him up into her arms quickly.

Elena kissed all over his face, Luca moving around as she tickled him.

Elena voices, "blow mommy a kiss because you're with me for the morning," turning him in her arms to get him to wave.

"I didn't even get to hug him yet," Natalie said with a frown.

"One hug, and then that's it," Elena told her, leaning Luca over for Natalie to hold him briefly.

Time was ticking for Aunty Elena, so she made sure to get him back in her arms before carrying the little boy out with her as she told him what the two were going to have for breakfast.

A few minutes have gone by, and Natalie realized that she couldn't go back to sleep. She was awake for the day, and that was because she could smell the food downstairs.

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