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*excuse any erros.

The Truth Puts Him in a Body Bag...

Giulia didn't intend on speaking to her children about their absence a few days ago, but she was glad she did. It was far too long, and she missed her boys. This life was short, and any one of them could be gone, so family was the most important thing to value.

Giulia was currently doing some dishes when her phone started ringing. She curled her finger to answer the phone, greeting Sheryl once the line connected.

"Sheryl, hey, how ya' doin'?" Giulia asked, scrubbing the plate with the sponge.

Sheryl beamed brightly, "I am doin' wonderful. How are things with you? Things alright now?"

Giulia hums, "yeah. All good over hea'."

Giulia knew her pain was reasonable, but she didn't want to revolve every conversation around the death of her son. Not only because it was painful to address, but she didn't want to be seen as a burden. She could tell how some of her 'friends' rushed to change the topic, only really asking to say that they've asked.

She couldn't believe it, seeing who truly cared about her and who didn't.

Those who did make an effort were doing the best they could, but no grieving mother wanted to hear 'think more positively,' and 'I know what you're going through,' because none of them could imagine. If they weren't saying that, they were telling her how sorry they felt for her, throwing the same questions over and over.

So, Giulia learned to say, "I'm fine. How are you?"

She missed her old life, the one with all her children, the one where she could smile often, laugh with Giuseppe, and be at peace. Now her entire world was upside down, and she had no clue how to fix things.

"Sienna's doin' good? Marriage can be a tough one," Giulia said with a sigh.

"Sienna is good. She and Ethan are gettin' along real nice, so it's been pretty eventful. We just booked a family vacation, and I am excited to see what Mexico has for us."

Giulia grins, washing out a glass cup, "that sounds exciting."

Sheryl nods, "not as exciting as it could be to be a grandmother," she gasps, "I can't believe it. That little boy is the cutest."

Sheryl was close to Giulia, so of course she got loads of photos, "he is. I can't wait until we get to keep him overnight. I wanna be able to hold him for hours," she gasped with joy, thinking of him in her arms.

Sheryl chuckled, "babies make the best cuddle buddies. I couldn't let Sienna go. I made her sleep in the bed with me and everything."

Giulia smiled, "my kids didn't allow me to choose. They would come in as a group or one by one to lay between me and their father."

"And Richie let it happen?" Sheryl asked, "Joey would take Sienna out every night. I had to go back out and get her. Til' this day, he believes she was walking back to our room."

"How is he?" Giulia questioned, seeing how they hadn't spoken in a while.

Sheryl sighs, "things are surprisingly still the same. He's been very antsy, though, and it worries me."

"Do you know why?"

Shaking her head, she said, "won't say. It could be because of work or because the fear of losing his memory is getting to him. I love him, I do, but it's about damn time he acknowledges this shit."

Giulia mumbles, "if it's one thing I've learned this past year, it's that sometimes accepting things hurts too fuckin' much," she says. Hearing footsteps, she looks over her shoulder and says, "Sheryl, I'll call you back."

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