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New Beginnings and Bad Endings...

Everything changed that night.

From a young man slipping in and out of consciousness to heart break, no one could've predicted that September evening ending the way it did.

It was a wide range of emotions coming in from sadness to rage, causing nothing and no one to be the same since then.

Reaching for her phone, Natalie typed harshly onto the screen with speed to dial the only person she knew who would be there for her and calm her.

She now was pacing the kitchen in some sweats, still in Sam's home as the sun began coming up.

He was gone for hours, and she hasn't gotten an ounce of sleep since the stress that ran through her veins kept her up. She wasn't trying to sound selfish, but her mind was on auto-pilot as the thoughts of it happening to her stumbled in.

She felt like it was inevitable, and that was something she couldn't accept.

She knew she could've let the conversation wait until they at least got confirmation that Giuseppe was okay, but she wasn't thinking right.

She was scared shitless, experiencing a variety of thoughts and emotions all at once.

"Mommy?" Natalie called out once the line connected.

Hearing the sadness and pain in her tone, Mrs. Young sits up out of bed from her resting position, "what's wrong, honey?"

Natalie wiped her tears before they could fall, "we broke up."

A faint gasped escaped her mouth. As much as she wanted her daughter to part ways with Sam, she was crushed to hear Natalie's heartbroken voice on the phone, "what?"

"We broke up," she repeated, makeup far ruined, "Mom, I love him, but I'm so scared."

"Where are you now?" Mrs. Young tossed the blanket over her to put her feet into her slippers that was at the side of her bed.

"I'm at his apartment," Natalie responded causing Mrs. Young's heart to race.

If her daughter was scared, she could only think she was afraid of Sam, "is he there?"

"No, he left-"

"Did he hurt you?" Mrs. Young needing the answer right away.

"No, mama," Natalie sobbing harder.

Telling her Mother the truth about what happened still didn't slip from her mouth even though Natalie was filled with terror. Natalie knew her Mother would get involved, and she didn't want that.

"I'm coming to get you," Mrs. Young said starting to rush out of her bedroom to grab her car keys from her purse.

Before this call with her Mother, Natalie tried calling Sam, but he kept sending her to voicemail, and she knew it was intentional. She didn't mean to hurt him, but she's never been through something like this before. She didn't want him mad at her, and it was clear that he was as her blue messages turned green.

He's never ignored her like this, and it hurt.

They were supposed to work through things like they've done before, but this was something she couldn't see getting fixed. She didn't want to leave him during this heart-rending time, crying and hating herself for the way she approached the situation.

She didn't want it to be over, but in the back of her mind, she knew what she wanted for herself. She loved Sam and believed she'll always will, but the fast life was not for her.

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