thirty eight

750 38 15

Gia Now Has Suspicions...

"Where's Sam and Natalie?" Giulia asked Elena and Richie as she entered the kitchen with Luca in her arms.

"I think they're in the living room," Elena said as she walked around her father to grab some milk from the fridge, wanting the cold beverage to go down with her cookies.

Tonight should've been the night where she went out to that festival to meet that guy, but she found herself getting in another pair of Christmas pajamas instead. She had to admit that the guy was cute; he had a nice smile, and even though she hated plaid, he managed to rock it.

However, she just wasn't in the mood.

Even for them to spend one night together and experience no attachments, she couldn't do it. Maybe he was a good person; who knows? All Elena knew was that she was staying her ass home and stuffing her face with chocolate chip cookies.

Besides, after getting stuck on the ski lift, she was done being in the freezing cold.

"Sam-" Giulia went to call out as she entered the living room, but catching the way he and Natalie interacted, she halted her movements. She put her hand out to stop her husband from entering, a smile on her face as she watched Natalie stroke Sam's face.

Natalie was sitting on the couch with her legs crossed underneath her, cupping his face and uttering words to him. She had a smile written on her face, leaning in close to brush her nose against his.

Sam chuckled lightly, allowing her to do this for the past five minutes.

"Look at those two," Giulia whispered with a big, cheesy grin, staring in awe. They didn't even know they had eyes on them so deep and focused on one another that everything else was blocked out.

But hearing the sound of Luca making this hum noise as he started to make bubbles with his mouth, they shifted their gaze. Giulia was caught, but she acted as if she had just walked in through the living room entrance.

Richie ratted out his wife, "she was watchin' the whole time," earning a slap to his arm.

"So what? You two were bein' cute, and it's not often I see Sam like this," Giulia said as she carried Luca over to them, "I just came in because someone wants to say goodnight to you two."

Giulia had taken Luca off their hands for a while, getting him bathed and into a matching pajama set.

Richie says to Sam, "ya mother wants to keep him for the night," watching Sam take Luca into his hold.

"Yeah," Giulia smiles while looking at Luca getting his kisses, "it's so mommy and daddy can get some alone time and Nonna can snuggle with her handsome man," grandma.

It's been about parenthood for months; she wanted to give them a break so they could also enjoy the vacation as well.

"So, what am I?" Richie questioned, looking down at his wife.

Giulia steps on her tippy toes, resting her hand on his shoulder, "my main handsome man," planting a kiss on his cheek.

Natalie beams at the affection they still showed one another, even after being together for so long. She decides to ask, "you sure? You two deserve your alone time, too."

Sam snapped his gaze over to her, "shh," he said with knitted brows, "stop talkin'."

He didn't want his mother to change her mind.

It wasn't even about sex. He just wanted to be able to be with his woman for one night without having to lean over a baby who also wanted Natalie's attention. If Luca fell asleep between them, there was no cuddling time involved for the couple. And then occasionally, when they would carry Luca back to his room, his eyes would pop right back open as his small body touched his own bed.

Tied to a Castillo I 18+Where stories live. Discover now