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How's Carter?...

In his office with Serena, Miguel cracks open the sparkling soda while leaning on the desk to pour her some. He says, "for us because we can't drink on the job."

"I know we're not supposed to, but a small glass of wine never hurts anybody," Serena said, observing the bubbles appear as he poured the beverage.

"True," Miguel then sets down the bottle, "congrats on the Parkers case, by the way."

She thanked him, "and congratulations on the Avery case. I know that one was a tough one," quickly trying out the grape flavor of the bubbly drink, liking the taste.

He huffed, "it was. I know I should say my greatest achievement was that case, but I feel like inviting you over to my place last night was."

Serena chuckled, her cheeks heating up, "don't get naughty," she said, placing her hand on top of his, "wanna get some lunch today?"

"I can't, my dear. I got another case, and this one seems even more tricky than the last," he said with a slight pout.

With a smile, Serena said, "well, good luck with that," she then said, "I'll probably ask Natalie if she's free," knowing Jade and Paxton were with her for their breaks.

"Oh," he said, eyebrows raised, "so everything between you two is fine now?"

"I have no idea," Serena sighed, "but I can see she's hiding how she really feels," Natalie has yet to express her actual feelings about anything, and Serena was concerned about that.

"I know I don't know her the way you do, but what if she just really doesn't care?" Miguel asked while also suggesting.

"Oh no," she stared at him, "she cares. That girl probably has a few thoughts running through her mind about us, and I'm sure it ain't sweet."

Miguel grinned, "you think she doesn't like me? She's been nothing but nice to me, even after you told her about our relationship." 

She smirked and said, "you're great, but she's probably keeping professional because of work and me."

A frown gently takes over Serena's face. This should've been a time where Natalie could've been like Serena, scolding her for her options, but she wasn't. Natalie was minding her business.

Miguel proposes, "well, how about we invite her to dinner tonight? Maybe she just needs to get to know me and understand us more."

Natalie may have been an adult, but she was still Serena's daughter. Things shouldn't move too fast, and asking Natalie to sit down with Miguel might be a bit awkward for the two.

"It sounds lovely, but I think it's too soon," Serena says.

Miguel grinned, "how? I see her almost every day."

"True, but that's for work. I just told her about the breakup, that I was leaving her father, one of the very few men in her life that she adores," she sipped once more, really wishing this was cherry wine, "I don't wanna push this on her and make her do anything she doesn't want to. Trust me, I've done that and fucked up a whole relationship."

Miguel nods, "how's Carter taking it?"

"Not well. He's upset, and I get it," Serena stated, "we were together for years, and for it to be over, it feels surreal to him."

Miguel inquires, "and what about you?"

She stared off to the corner and said, "I'm fine with it. Our love died, and sometimes when I would try to revive what we had, it felt too forced and not genuine. Carter and I were staying together because it's what we have known forever. But there's no love between us in that way anymore."

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