Chapter 49

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Pascal's POV

I walk towards my grandparents' house, because we will have a family night again.

I'm not sure why they decided that it will be a good idea to have a family night right after the training.

But I will make sure to complain about it to everyone who doesn't have to go to the training anymore, to make sure that they know that I'm not happy with this.

To be honest, all of my cousins who were at the pack training decided that they will skip.

But I'm sure that they will be getting a call from an angry Carter soon, and so they will be here anyway.

I wanted to skip too, but I know that Raid came here with Luca, so I want to be there too, at least kind of.

When I reach the back yard of my grandparents' house, then I quickly find Raid, and I go towards him, but I'm stopped by Carter.

"Where are your cousins?" He asks me, and I shrug.

"They said that they are too tired to come here, so they went back to their houses." I say, and Carter rolls his eyes.

"Alright." He says, before he walks away.

For a few seconds, I think that he just accepted it, but then I can see that he's pulling out his phone while he walks towards Denver, and I chuckle slightly.

"What are you laughing at?" Tripp, who's one of my youngest cousins, asks me, so I look at him, and I smile slightly.

"I just told Carter that some of our cousins decided that it will be alright to skip the family night." I say, and he laughs loudly.

I'm sure that he knows what that means, because I'm sure that his fathers tried to skip it at least once, and they got the same treatment as our cousins will now get.

I'm not even sure why they thought that they will be able to skip, but I guess that they were too tired to think clearly.

"Can I stay with you?" Tripp asks me, and I nod slightly, before I take his hand, and I lead him towards my mate.

"So, then we started to run away, and right after we managed to get out of the pack lands, the Alpha got shot.

But we didn't know about it until later on, someone who saw it told the rest of us." Edmund says, and I frown.

"Are you telling him about the attack that killed your former pack?" I ask Edmund, and he looks away from Raid, before he nods slightly.

"Your former pack?" Tripp asked curiously.

"A few of our family members used to live in another pack for a lot of time, but that pack was killed, and they were lucky enough to be able to come back here." I tell him, and he frowns.

"I heard that dad was talking about something like this not long ago, but he didn't want to tell me anything when I asked about it." He tells me.

I guess that if Xander didn't want to tell him, then we should tell him either.

"I'm sure that he will tell you when you will be older." I say, but I'm not very sure of that, since I barely know what happened, because no one wanted to tell me the details.

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