Chapter 18

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Raid's POV

I knew that I shouldn't walk around the pack lands when it's dark, but I was bored, so I had to do something, and I could find anything that I could do without waking Pascal and the rest of his family.

So, I decided that it will be a good idea to walk for a while, I just hope that nothing will happen to me here.

Because I can barely see what's under my feet, and this means that there's a big chance that I will fall soon.

"Raid." Someone says quietly not much later, and I smile slightly when I recognise the voice.

I look around, and I quickly see that Gonzalo is standing a few feet away from me.

At least he knows how to walk quietly, but I'm not happy that I didn't hear him at all.

"Hi." I say, and he comes over, before he gives me a hug.

"I knew that something was wrong, but I just assumed that you were angry with me about something, not that the werewolves kidnapped you." He tells me.

"How did you find me?" I ask him curiously.

"Well, two werewolves attacked me in my house not long ago, so I thought that Pascal had something to do with it." Gonzalo tells me, and I chuckle.

"He says that he's my mate, but he's way too stupid to realise that I don't care about him at all." I say, and he laughs slightly.

"So, what happened?" Gonzalo asks me.

"I will tell you when we will get out of here, but I'm pretty sure that I have a tracker or something.

Because I'm not stupid enough to believe that they would just let me walk around the pack lands when they don't even allow me to have my phone with me." I say.

"I have the metal detector with me, so let's see." He says and then he takes it out, before he tries to find out if there's any metal under my skin.

"I don't think that you have any tracker." He tells me.

"So, they're just stupid." I say, and he agrees with a nod, before he leads me toward the pack border.

We reach Gonzalo's car about an hour later, and he starts to drives towards the city.

"We should go to your house, because I'm pretty sure that they know where I live." I say, and he rolls his eyes.

"I'm sure that they know where I live too. I was Pascal's best friend, so he was at my house a lot of times, and I was attacked there." He tells me, and I groan slightly.

"Well, I guess that it will be the first place that they will look for us, so I guess that we should stay in my basement." I say and he nods in agreement.

When we reach my house, I open the garage, then I let him drives inside before the both of us go to the basement.

I have one room which is prepared for the situations like this, and I'm very happy about it.

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