Chapter 32

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Pascal's POV

I was moved to another room, and I was feelings a bit better, but as I assumed, it didn't help for long.

"Gonzalo!" I shout, and not much later, he comes here to see what I want.

I'm a bit surprised that he's actually kind of nice to me, because I expected him to be mad at me for taking his boyfriend away from him.

"What?" He asks me tiredly.

"I want to walk for a while." I say, and he rolls his eyes.

"I don't care." He tells me, but he walks towards the table that I'm laying on, and he starts to unlock the cuffs anyway.

I want to laugh at him, but I decide that I should be nice to him if I don't wish to suffer, after all, he has a lot of things that he could use to hurt me again.

When he lets me stand up, I start to walk around the room, and not much later, I notice that he didn't even restrict me at all.

He must be really tired, and I wonder if it's because he has to take care of Taylor.

I discreetly look around the room, and I try to find something that would allow me to kill him quickly.

I can't find anything that I will be able to take without him noticing.

So, I'm not sure if I should take those things, because if I won't be quick enough that he will be able of defend himself.

A few minutes later, I find a knife that's small enough for me to hide it in my pocket.

I take it in my hand, but after I move it, I quickly see that a small gun is laying not far from it, so I take it too, and I turn around to see if Gonzalo noticed what I did.

He's looking at me, but I don't think that he's too tired to know what's going on around him, because he looks like he's on some drugs.

I decide that it will be a good moment to kill him, so I take the gun out, and I shot him in the head.

My eyes widen when I realise that the gun didn't have any bullets in it, and the sound scares Gonzalo enough for him to forget that he was tired.

He looks at me with a glare, and then he looks at the gun, which is still in my hand, before he starts to walk towards me.

I quickly drop the gun, and I take the knife out right before he reaches me.

I somehow manage to stab him I'm his stomach and he hisses in pain, before he tried to drag me towards the table.

I use all of my strath to kick him in the stomach, and it seems that I managed to hit him in the wound, because the blood starts to come out quicker than it did before.

Gonzalo loses his balance, and he falls to the floor, so I quickly stab him a few more times, before I sit on him to make sure that he won't be able to hit me again.

A while later, he closes his eyes, and it doesn't take long for his breathing to stops, but I make sure to stay until I'm sure that he's dead.

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