The room clapped and cheered as the Conqueror wrapped up her short speech.

So everyone eat and drink your fill. There's more than enough to go around. While we feast tonight, tomorrow we begin the fight. And put an end to Draco once and for all.

The room erupted in more applause and chears as Xena raised her cup high and many others did the same before taking a drink in celebration as Xena sat down and everyone began to have their plates fixed with food from the massive spread of options before them as they began to eat. As the meal carried on Gabrielle overheard Melosa speak to Terreis.

I see you've found something to occupy yourself.

Yes. Intact while you were busy meeting with the lord Conqueror Gabrielle was kind enough to show me around a bit.

Gabrielle felt her nerves begin to kick in as she glanced over at saw Xena raise an eyebrow in intrigue at the exchange between the mother and daughter as Gabrielle wondered if she should've done such a thing.

That was certainly nice of her. Though I hope you didn't pull the girl away from anything important Terreis. You wouldn't want to cause her trouble, would you?

Oh it's not a problem. Really.
(Thinking to herself) I hope.

Yeah the other woman in the archives that Gabrielle works with said it was okay.

I see. Did you enjoy yourself?

I did. Gabrielle was an excellent tour guide.

Melosa smiled as she turned her eyes to Gabrielle.

Well you have my thanks Gabrielle, for keeping my daughter entertained. She can be rather excitable at times when experiencing something new, so I appreciate your kindness towards her even if it came at some inconvenience to you.

Melosa looked at Xena.

I hope Terreis being shown around by someone wasn't a problem.

Gabrielle sat anxiously waiting to see what the Conqueror would say. Though she wasn't kept waiting for long as she saw Xena look at her, Terreis and Melosa for a brief moment before she spoke.

I suppose not. As long as you don't have any issue with it.

Not at all. I'm grateful for the hospitality she showed Terreis.

Alright then.

Xena looked at Gabrielle and gave her an approving nod.

Nice job.

Gabrielle let out a releaved sigh as the conversation moved on to other various topics as everyone ate and spoke amongst those seated near them. Including Gabrielle and Terreis who carried on a casual conversation which as Xena idly made small talk with Melosa, couldn't help but notice how much more talkitive and animated that Gabrielle seemed to be when speaking to Terreis. A side she hadn't seen from the young woman. Though that didn't exactly surprise Xena as she knew full well that she was far from the most approachable person around. And even less so as of late due to her having to deal with her injury and everything else with the situation involving Draco. Still for some reason Xena couldn't help but keep her eyes fixed on the young woman. Finding herself somewhat oddly enjoying watching a more cheerful and upbeat side of Gabrielle that she hadn't yet seen. As Xena momentary wondered if who she was watching at the table was the person that Gabrielle really was. And as the meal died down some people begin to excuse themselves while a smaller group was remained at the table, with some residents of the keep and others a number of the visiting Amazons, Xena was about to excuse herself as well but stopped as she suddenly got an odd feeling that something wasn't right. She couldn't put her finger on it but something within her said that something felt off. However, she didn't want to say anything aloud in order to avoid causing a panic, and instead was about to motion for Leonidas who was seated near by to come over but just before she could, Xena's super human hearing picked up the sound of a small, speeding projectile cutting through the air as an arrow flew into the room and stuck into an empty chair. The room suddenly fell silent as everyone who was remaining stood up. But before Xena or anyone else could fully react to the sudden arrow being shot toward the group, a large string of multiple arrows began to fly in from various directions around the room.

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