chapter 40

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they sat there like that for a few minutes, every so often bob would let out raspy breaths.

eventually, carl and i left the room. i think we were both feeling terrible about the situation. i just hoped that he wouldn't pass away as sasha was in the room with him.

everyone was sitting down, reasonably everyone looked sad. i think they knew just as well as i did bob wasn't going to be able to hold on for much longer.

i sat down and carl sat down behind me, he played with my hair for a little bit while i just fidgeted with my blade.

i wonder how much i would bleed if i just slabbed myself in the leg.

i shook my head and put my blade up until i would eventually use it for later.

maggie was with glenn, she had her head on his shoulder as he whispered to her.

she gave him a smile and kissed him on the cheek, she laid her head on his chest this time. part of her hair messing up in the process.

i smiled and tugged the ends of my hair, it needed to be cut a little, i haven't had the time to cut it and it's grown long.

(i think since you are in a zombie apocalypse you probably wouldn't have time for things like that. lol, sorry if that isn't what you want)

"something wrong?" carl asked from behind me

he also tugged gently at my locks, i shook my head and let him continue to play with my hair.

it felt nice, i could fall asleep,

he removed his hands from my hair and onto my shoulders, he begin to massage them in attempt to soothe my muscles into relaxing.

"it's okay, y/n. go ahead" carl said softly. i hesitated for a moment, i was a little worried but i did eventually relax into him.


everyone gathered outside, sasha kept wrapping the skinny rope around bobs grave thing.

she cried and cried. her cries were so heartbreaking to hear, she didn't speak to anyone while bob was being buried, i stood next to her and held her hand.

i squeezed it time and time again to let her know i was still there with her.

"this is our route to DC. we'll stick to it as long as we're able. if not, well. you got our destination. once eugene get to the big brains left up there, things are gonna bounce back. this group should be there for it. you should be there for it." abraham said

i glared at him. i still wasn't over what he had asked me a few days ago.

"damn, you're like 15, right? why do you eat so much."

i tried not to show that it hurt my feelings that he had asked that. why would he even ask that?

"they will be." maggie said

"we will" michonne added

"we will" rick smiled while slightly turning to the both of them

rick lifted up the hand that had the map in it and nodded to abraham. abraham nodded back and game a smile.

"let's go!" he said

most of the adults got on the bus. i stood next to michonne who had her hand on my shoulder, she smiled at me and i offered a smile back.

i'm glad that i talked to rick back then in the prison about her. i'm also so glad that he let her stay with us.

i love her, i don't know how anyone couldn't start to like her.

she's so pretty, she's strong, she's a great leader and she's one hell of a mother even if judith and carl aren't actually hers.

carl held judith, he was a step up behind me, behind carl stood gabriel. at the side of the stairs is where rick stood, a good amount of the front part of his shirt was covered with sweat. i tried not to look at that.

sasha was on the other side of the same step as me. she looked rough, but she stood there as if nothing happened.

i was impressed, i would be such a fucking mess if someone i loved left me in general, and she looks as if she's pulling through.

i know she definitely isn't, but at least she can make it LOOK like she is.

maggie kissed a few of her fingers and blew me a kiss and gave a smile, glenn gave a upset smile, i didn't want to go with them.

i noticed that i hadn't really been spending time with carl despite us dating, i talked to maggie and glenn about it.

thought they said they would miss me they understood where i was coming from.

abraham started to drive off, maggie kept her eyes on me for as long as she could.

i watched as the bus slowly drove away, i would miss them to. i just hoped nothing bad happened on the way there.

rick pulled out the map and looked at it, he looked amused.

carl and i went inside to help take care of judith together, though, she fell asleep in my arms so there wasn't to much we had to take care of.


i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, im trying to update more. (as you can obviously tell)

i'm also trying to be more detailed with my chapters. i hope you guys like that.

word count; 1062

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