chapter 31

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i pulled out the small knife. while facing away from everyone else, they were either sharpening what they had with them or making something to use.

"what's the cure, eugene?" sasha said not turning her head to him

"it's classified." eugene said

"we don't know what's gonna happen." michonne said

"you leave him be" abraham said

"how do we even know he isn't lying about it? he could just be saying he does so we keep his ass safe." i said

"it's time to hear it. 'cause we don't know what's coming next." sasha said

"what's next is we get out of this." tara said

"even if i told you all, even if i provided step-by-step instructions complete with illustrations and a well-composed FAQ and i went red-ring, the cure would still die with me." eugene said

"it sounds like you're calling us stupid. besides, you aren't the only person with high intelligence in the world. hell, maybe you don't have high intelligence you just know how to make it sound like you do." i said

abraham gave me a stare and i gave him one right back, eugene is a cool dude, i guess. i haven't known him long.

i don't trust him, anybody could say they were in the army and people would probably believe them. eugene could just be saying that he worked on a HGP. in other words a human genome project.

"the best-case scenario, we step out into a hellstorm of bullets, fire, and walkers. i'm not fleet of foot. i sure as hell can't take a dead one down. with sharp buttons and hell confidence." eugene said

"yeah? but we can and we will." michonne said

"you don't owe us anything. not yet. but we just want to hear it." sasha said

"you don't have to" rosita said

i rolled my eyes and looked over at eugene.

eugene stood up and put his back to the train door.

"i was part of a 10-person team at the human genome project as you already know, to weapons diseases to fight weaponized diseases. pathogenic microorganisms with pathogenic microorganisms. fire with fire. interdepartmental drinks were had, relationships made, information shared. i am keenly aware of all the details behind fail-safe delivery systems to kill every living perron on this planet. i believe with a little tweaking on terminals in DC, we can slip the script. take out every last dead one of them. fire with fire. all things being equal, it does sound pretty badass." eugene explained

"so let's get back to work." maggie said

there was banging on the train door and it got everyone's attention. the door slid open and it was rick.

"come on! fight to the fence!" rick yelled at us

we all left the train and rick fired shots to clear a path, like i had assumed, there was a lot of walkers. more than i had thought actually.

glenn caught sight of me and maggie and rushed us forwards. arbraham ran and cut the necks of any walker he ran by, it didn't help kill them, but it did help make them fall down and out of the way.

we all stayed in a group and killed any walkers that got close and went back into formation.

"up and over!" rosita said

rick had his back to us making sure nothing go close while we were trying to get out. daryl got over and i did to in a rush. he made sure i didn't hit the ground as i went over the fence.

rick came over next. then abraham did. the walkers were gathering up in the fence and it was bending at the weight.

once everyone caught their breath we started walking again. daryl led the way with rick and everyone else followed behind them.

"the hell are we still around here for?" abraham asked

"guns, some supplies. go along the fences. use the rifles. take out the rest of 'em." rick said

"what?" bob asked

"they don't get to live." rick replied

"rick, we got out. it's over." glenn said

rick grabbed a gun "it's not over till they're all dead." rick said loading bullets into the gun

"the hell it isn't, that place is on fire. full of walkers." rosita said

"i'm not ducking around with this crap. we just made it out." abraham said

"the fences are down. they'll run or die." maggie said

"and if they get out and come after us? what do we do then? we can kill them and not have to worry about if they're alive and coming after us-"i said before i stopped and turned around

a stick snapped, it was just carol. daryl immediately ran over and hugged her. how cute.


we decided not to go back and kill the remaining people who were alive, which i have a feeling will bite us in the ass later on.

we walked down a road and coral led us. i saw tyreese holding judith and i ran over along with rick, sasha, and carl.

rick grabbed judith and turned around so that carl and i could see her, sasha hugged tyreese and started crying.

"judith, you're okay.." carl whispered

rick was crying and holding her, he kept kissing her head and leaning over.

rick walked over to tyreese and put a hand on his shoulder, tyreese did the same thing to rick. they both nodded a few times at each other.

after a few judith was handed to me, i wasn't quite use to having her since beth was always the one to take her when i couldn't.

judith didn't make a fuss, she poked my face and pulled my hair. some of my hair strands were in her tiny hands.

she stared up at me and i glanced down at her sometimes. i didn't like that she was staring at me. maybe i had something on my face?

rick and carl were by michonne and they were talking, daryl would come over and check up asking if everything was okay.

when i gave him an answer he would hover for a few minutes and leave, he would come back every 20 minutes or so.

"i don't know if the fire is still burning." rick said

i looked over, it still was.

"it is" coral said

"yeah. we need to go." rick said

"yeah, but where?" daryl asked

"somewhere far away from there." rick replied

with that everyone got everything together and we started walking again.

word count: 1096

immune..? (TWD) BOOK 1Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang