chapter 20

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Lori got up and left and I shooed carl off to go with her, she mentioned getting hershel some crutches, I think.

while they were gone I'd gotten a little curious. I found myself opening a door and going inside. it was the same door that Rick headed out of to find other areas of the prison. at least I think I went through that door.

it was dark and there were a lot of hallways, a few walkers were lying on the floor as I would pass by them.

they didn't pose a threat to me since they were dead so I looked at them and kept walking around. I don't even know how I would find my way back.

I took a few left and then some rights, I needed to figure out where I was headed. but, my legs moved on their own.

I could hear some walkers groaning and would listen to where it was coming from before I took a turn or kept walking.

At this point, I'm lost.

I could hear the sound of my shoes hitting the ground. the sound echoed throughout the hallways, luckily it didn't draw too much attention.

I finally got to a door and opened it, the sun hit my sink and I looked around. somehow I ended up in a different area of the prison. it wasn't the courtyard I'd been seeing.

the wall on this side was down, the fence looked like it'd been torn down and walkers were

everywhere. the only problem was when I turned around to open the door walkers piled out.

well, the walkers that piled out weren't exactly the only problem.

I stepped on top of a few walkers and slammed the door shut when I got back inside.

I stayed leaned against the door before I decided to try and try and head back.

the random left and rights I was taking weren't helping. I really don't have a clue where I am.


I must have been going in circles or something. some sort of alarm started going off and I heard a few gunshots here and there.

I heard faint painicked voices. they weren't far from me either.

there was a woman crying so, I followed the sound.

I turned the corner but there were walkers blocking the first door so I went around and found a second door.

I opened and door and blinked a few times to see if I was seeing it right.

lori was on the ground telling maggie she needed to save the baby.

carl was next to lori freaking out. I closed the door and stepped inside.

"w-" was all I could muster out before lori saw me

"y/n, I need you to help maggie, right now." lori said

shes....going into labor. if I help her right now she'll die, and I'll have her blood on my hands.

I looked at carl and then to maggie. the look in their eyes made me panic. they were depending on me.

I walked over slowly and bent down next to maggie and took the knife from maggies hands.

the knife almost fell from my shaking hands, lori was begging me to cut her stomach open and save the baby.

my expression didn't show any sign of panic but I was indeed panicking.

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