chapter 5

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rick came up from the tents with shane right on his tail.

"why would you risk your life for a douche bag like merle dixon?" shane said

"he might be a douche bag but so are you.." I muttered

daryl shook his head and kind of nudged me. I don't understand why their saying those words but when I say them it's a problem.

"hey, choose your words more carefully" daryl said to shane

"no, I did. douche bags what I meant. merle dixon. the guy wouldn't give you a glass of water if you were dying of thirst." shane said

"what he would or wouldn't do doesn't interest me. I can't let a man die of thirst. me. thirst and exposure. we left him like an animal caught in trap. that's no way for anything to die, let alone a human being." rick said

"so you and daryl? that's your big plan?" lori said

rick turned around and looked at glenn. I guess he should take glenn. he knows the whole city like the back of his hand. atleast from what I've heard.

"oh, come on!" glenn said

"you know the way. you've been there before. in and out, no problem. you said so yourself." rick said

glenn took off his hat and he ran his hand over his hair. then he placed his hat back on.

"it's not fair of me to ask, I know that, but I'd feel alot better with you along. I know she would too." rick said pointing at lori

"that's just great, now you're gonna risk three men, huh?" shane said

"oh shut the hell up shane. your such a damn cry baby." I muttered

I got a side look from daryl and lori. but no one else seemed to notice I said anything.

"four" T-dog said

daryl let out a scoff

"my day just gets better and better, don't it?" daryl said

"you seen anybody else here stepping up? to save your brothers cracker ass?" T-dog said

I would if I was allowed to go. even though I don't like merle much he means alot to his brother. having family makes this world a little better. even if it is in the slightest bit.

"why you?" daryl said

"you wouldn't even begin to understand. you don't speak my language." T-dog said

"that's four." dale said

"it's not just four. you're putting every single one of us at risk. just know that, rick. come on, you saw that walker. it was here. it was in camp! their moving out of the cities. they come back, we need every able body we've got! we need 'em here. we need 'em to protect the camp." shane said

"seems to me what you really need most here are more guns." rick said

"right, the guns" glenn said

"wait, what guns?" shane said looking over at glenn

"six shotguns, two high powered rifles, over a dozen handguns. I cleaned out the cage back at the station before I left. I dropped the bag in atlanta when I got swarmed. it's just sitting there on the street. waiting to be picked up." rick said

"ammo?" shane said

"700 rounds, assorted" rick said

"you went through hell to find us, you just got here and you're gonna turn around and leave?" lori said

"dad, I..I don't want you to go." carl said

it was slient for a few second until lori decided to speak up again

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