2k special

911 18 14

(ending 1-..???)

I was outside playing with Judith, she's about 3, maybe.

I picked up Judith and spun her around, her little giggles were actually killing me.

I set her down and she hopped around.

She grabbed my hand and started running.

"Judith where are we going?" I asked

She didn't say a thing, she hummed and kept walking.

Soon enough we were at a doctor's..?

"Judith...why are we here?" I asked

"Mommy said you're sick or something so, you're going to visit the doctors. Don't worry, I'll there with you" Judith said


We walked in and a I waited for a little bit until a doctor called me in.

When the doctor let Judith and I into the room and I sat down.

"Okay, so could you tell me why you are here" the doctor said

"I've been vomiting for the past few weeks and feeling a little nauseous in the mornings." I said

"Also! Her tummy has gotten a little stuffer and it's gotten a bit bigger" Judith added

Wow, way for outing me.

I already know what is going on with me, I didn't need to go to the doctor.

"Alright, would you like to do an ultrasound to check everything out?" The doctor asked

"Uh, sure" I said

I laid back and the doctor asked permission to roll my shirt up so he could ultrasound gel on my lower abdomen.

The screen wasn't facing me so I couldn't see what he was seeing.

Judith looked amazed and was also a little confused.

The doctor turned the screen towards me and pointed at my uterus.

"Congratulations! You seem to be having twins, come back in a few weeks roughly 15-16 and we'll have a check up" the doctor said

"You seem to be 7 weeks, so next check up you'll find out the genders" the doctor added

I thanked the doctor and Judith and I left the doctors office.

"Are we going to tell my mommy?" Judith asked

"She's out right now, I'll be sure to tell her later" I said

It's been more than 16 weeks now,  and I found out that I'm having boys.

This might be..troublesome.

The first person I told was Maggie, she was currently pregnant.

She was worried because I'm 17 and pregnant, she ended up asking some people to watch over me.

She's been quite protective of me ever since...nevermind.

I walked into my living room and saw Daryl, Maggie and michonne on my going talking to one another.

How lovely, they just invited themselves into my house.

I walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge to check on my dill pickle salad.

It looked ready, but I wasn't hungry at the moment.

"Y/n, we heard you got word about the genders. We'd like to know" michonne said

"Both boys" I said

We all talked for a while, everyone stopped talking when there was a knock on the door.

"I'll get the door" I said

I got up from my couch and walked over to the door.

I hesitantly opened the door and in front of me stood was no one.

I let out a sigh, I was about to close the door when I saw something near the wall.

"Guys! I'll be right back" i yelled to them

I closed the front door and made my way over to the wall, there wasn't anything over here.

I turned around and behind a tree that wasn't to far from me a face jerked back behind it.

It scared the shit out of me, the face kinda looked like...dad.

The face was most definitely glenns.

Maybe this is another one of my hallucinations.

I shook it off and went back to my house.

I looked back onto my living room and the lights were off, no one was even in the living room.

What the actual fuck is going on.

I looked around for any sign people were in my house, but nothing.

I went up to my bedroom and locked the door.

I laid down on my bed and looked over at a framed photo on the wall, I look it back on the prison with everyone.

My eyes felt heavy and I fell asleep.

I was back in the line, back on my knees with the people in my group lined up as well.

I had been next to a ginger who'd by now I don't remember his name, he's head got bashed in and blood got everywhere on my right side.

Words we're spoken and I watched in horror as a bat hit the top of glenns head.

His eye was pooped out of his eye socket and blood ran down his face.

"Maggie....y/n, I'll..find you" Glenn struggled to say

word count: 813

immune..? (TWD) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now