chapter 6

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it was dark out and they weren't back, I spent half of my morning running around in the woods.

lori told me not to leave her side but I'm sure she didn't notice. I'd gotten back a few minutes ago.

she hasn't said anything to me yet. amy and andrea caught some fish and thats what we ate.

I could somewhat see in front of me, everyone was having a good time.

jim was tied up to a tree so I walked over and sat down in front of him.

"hi jim!" I said

"hello." jim said

"what are you tied up for?" I asked

"just an accident that happened earlier. nothin' big." jim said

"hm, well you have eaten right?" I said

"yeah, shane gave me food and water." jim said

jim and I continued talking until lori said me and she'd basically dragged me away from him.

I sat down and played with whatever was on the ground near me. wasn't very fun but it was something to do.

I kept checking if lori was watching me or not, once she wasn't I got up and walked into the woods.

dangerous. yes, but I like it out here. it's quiet. and sometimes I see animals. so I guess thats a bouns.

the woods were creepy at this time of night, and those walkers could come out of nowhere.

if I got bite I wonder would long it would take me to turn, hopefully I won't ever turn into one of those walkers. they're ugly.

I played with my fathers ring while walking, I wonder when the things he taught me will come in handy.

he wanted me to become a nurse or a doctor and I also wanted to become one. helping people sounded nice.

but from what I heard the hours here horrible.

now that I'm thinking about things, I wonder if anyone from school survived. I doubt it though. those kids are useless.

sounds bad to say, but they really were. if they did survive they would have changed by now.

maybe I'll run into someone. or maybe I won't. I guess I'll have to wait and see for that one.

I would see light from camp but I didn't want to go back, at least not right now. I heard a little rustling but ignored it.

it was quiet for a few more seconds before I heard screaming. it was one scream and then it turned into more.

I ran back, I pulled out the knife I carry with me at all times and when I got to camp...

walkers were everywhere. people were shooting them and others were running.

there were people getting bit left and right. kids and adults.

I looked around for my friend. when I saw her it was already to late. the walker was already digging into her.

blood went everywhere. it got all over the ground and on the objects near it. the scream she let out hurt to hear.

I only noticed tears were in my eyes until one fell. I wiped it and gripped my knife tighter.

I took a step forward before someone called my name, I knew it was glenn when I heard his voice.

I turned my head and I ran over to glenn, he quickly brought me into a hug and only let go to shot a walker.

"y/n! are you alright??" glenn asked

"yeah, yeah I'm fine." I said

glenn grabbed my hand and used his other to shoot. I was horrified. the screaming and crying. seeing people get eaten right in front of me.

all the blood. there was human meat every where. my friend had already turned by now so I told glenn to shoot her.

he hesitated for a minute but then he'd shot her. her body dropped back to the floor and stayed there.

I looked over to where everyone else was and I saw amy, she was dead and andrea was leaning over her crying.

I turned my head away, glenn hugged me and he was looking around checking just in case.

lori waved me over and I shook my head. she frowned but then noded and was checking up on carl.

the wave of everything hit me and I started to cry. who wouldn't? seeing the people around me dying just like that.


it was morning time now. they were moving bodies into the fire.

andrea was still by her sister, she wouldn't talk to anyone or let anyone touch amys dead body.

I was throwing rocks, I didn't know where anyone else was. glenn told me to just wait until he was done.

some of the adults were talking about what to do with andrea. I got out my knife and started carving things into the rocks.

after I was donw with one rock I would do it to another.

rick walked over to to andrea but she pulled out her gun and pointed it at him.

rick slowly backed away.

"you all can't be serious. let that girl hamstring us? the dead girl is a time bomb." daryl said

"then what do you suggest?" rick said

"take the shot. clean, in the brain from here. hell, I can hit a turkey between the eyes from this distance." daryl said

"no. for god sakes, let her be." lori said

daryl scoffed and walked off. he and jim went over to put a body into the fire but glenn stopped them.

"our people go over there." glenn said pointing to the other bodies.

"what's the difference, they're all infected." daryl said

"our people go in that row over there. we don't burn them! we bury them. understand?" glenn said

he pointed back at the row. jim and daryl picked up the body and took it over to the row.

jim didn't look well at all. of course he would be tired from carrying bodies all morning. but we was acting kinda strange.

"a walker got him! a walker bit jim!!" Jacqui said

she backed away from jim and all the adults stood up.

"show it to us." daryl said

jim turned around and grabbed a shovel. everyone was surrounding him and yelling.

jim was telling everyone that he was okay, the adults got into a circle and talked about what to do.

I stood up and turned around, I grabbed a long stick and sat back down. and I started carving the tip of the stick.

it might be useful later on. hopefully.

word count: 1091

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