chapter 3

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everyone turns their head to meet the new guy.

a guy comes out wearing a sherif uniform, and he's looking at the ground. he has short brown hair. and he has a watch on his left arm.

I look over at shane and his face falls, what is going on?

the man stops and it seems he's looking at lori and carl.?

lori and carl turn their heads, the man points at them and he walks forward.

carl lets go of loris hand and he runs towards the man.

"dad! dad!" carl yells and he runs to the man

lori runs after carl. carl hugs his father and he hugs him back. I look at the floor.

I'm glad that carl has his dad now. him and lori can be happy again.

the man leans over in the hug with carl. after a few minutes of crying, the man gets up and walks over to lori and brings her into a hug.

lori hugs her husband but looks over at shane.

I knew it. they are sleeping with each other! shane just nods his head and smiles.

glenn comes over to me and bends down.

"I uhm, found this. lori told me to look for something that might be your fathers. I found this.." glenn said

I look at what he had in his hand. it looked just like the ring my father always wore. I take it out of glenns hand and I put it on

"thanks." I said in a low tone

(this isn't actually her dads ring, he just found one that looked like the one lori had described to him. he wanted her to feel better so he pretended like it was her dads ring)


we all sat down around a fire. rick was talking about something and he had carl between his legs and lori on his left side. I was sitting next to lori.

I could have sat next to glenn but I didn't want to bother him.

I was drifting in and out of sleep. even though I had taken a nap ealier I was still tired.

ed started talking and shane was saying something back to him.

ed said he was cold and he wanted the fire to be bigger. ed doesn't think of anyone but himself.

if we make the fire bigger we could be seen by the monsters or other people.

and we can't take that risk.

shane got up and walked over to ed. eds wife got up and pulled the log out.

"can't do a damn thing yourself can you?" I said slightly under my breath

"what did you say girl?" ed said looking over his shoulder at me

I don't know how the hell he hear me. I've already said it so might as well repeat it.

lori shook her head and so did glenn. I ignored them, i cleared my throat to make sure i was a little louder so his fat ass could hear me.

"i said, you can't just get your fat ass up and do it yourself?"

ed turned around and looked at me. he glared and the growled. is he a dog? maybe we can train the bitch.

shane puts out the little fire that was on the ground and he walks over to eds wife and kid.

shane talks with eds wife for a little. every so often eds wife would look at him. she seems...scared? maybe. I'm not sure.

shane gets up and he walks away.

I leaned on loris shoulder and she turned her head and gave me a smile and I fell asleep again.

not long after I fell asleep I felt someone lift me up. and they walked with me. I opened my eyes a little and I saw carls father so i just closed my eyes and went back to sleep.

I felt myself being placed in my sleeping bag and after that I fell into a deeper sleep.

word count: 667

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