chapter 1

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-before everything-

I waved my friends goodbye, finally. school is out for the day.  after learning all that I'm tired. I was walking down the street when someone called my name and I turned around.

"hey, y/n!" a group of girls said

I raise an eyebrow. why are they bothering me?

"we heard that your mom is sick, and we just wanted to say. it serves you right, I mean. your 13 and you don't even do anything with your life!" the girl said

I blinked at them, I am doing something. I take care of my mother. unlike these girl who get their daddy's money and go shopping all day

"are you going to say anything?" the blonde girl said

she waited for me to say something, when I didn't she scoffed and looked at the other girls.

" just going to let your sorry excuse for a father take "care" of her? he's probably killing her slowly so he can run off with his mistress."

i just stared at them, if i opened my mouth i would probably say something i would regret later.

i guess my staring got on their nerves because she glanced at the other girls around her.

they took steps towards me. i let out a few breaths, i was thinking about letting them do what they wanted.

it sounded easier that beating them all up and facing the consequences later. her father would probably sue for the "injuries" she'll get.

they all jumped at me, i let them. it didn't take long before i just got a little angry.

i thought more and more about the things they've done to people. they bullied someone and they...

i moved without thinking about it. the girls were pushed to the ground and i started stomping on their limbs. not to hard, but definitely not to light.

they cried out in pain. i don't remember what tbe "leaders" name was, but i got on top of her and started punching her face.

messing it up, leaving her with a bloody nose.

after a few punches, I stood up and made my way over to my house. once I'd gotten to the door I opened it and walked inside.

my father was in the kitchen cooking dinner, and my mom was in their room. I sat my bag down by the front door and I locked the door behind me.

my father looked over at me and he stopped cutting the carrots.

"what the hell happened to your face?!" my father said

he sat the knife down and he come over to me.

"you didn't start the fight did you?" my father asks

"of course I didn't." I said

my father walked in the kitchen and got some ice and wrapped it in a rag and he come over and handed it to me.

he went back to cutting carrots and I sat down on the couch and watched the news.

the woman on the TV started talking about people attacking each other and it showed the horrible after math of it. I had to go to my room.

it almost made me sick looking at that. I sat the rag on my night stand and I walked out of my room and I went to check on my mother.

I opened the door and stared at her for a minute. somethings wrong. I walked over and watched her for a minute.

she isn't breathing.!

I ran out of the room and ran into the kitchen

"mom isn't breathing!!" I said and father dropped his knife and he rushed over to the room. he came out carrying her and I opened the door.

immune..? (TWD) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now