chapter 14

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I felt someone picking me up and I opened my eyes. it was still night time..I looked at who it was picking me up, maggie.

I rested my head on her shoulder and I closed my eyes again.

someone was putting a jacket over me so I slightly opened my eyes again. it was just glenn so I closed my eyes back.

"wouldn't want your daughter getting sick. now would you?" maggie said

"definitely not." glenn replied

I hear the door open and maggie walked into the house. she laid me down on a bed. I could tell there was someone next to me but I didn't want to open my eyes to check. I was still tried. I didn't want to fall back asleep but there was nothing I could do about it.

"aren't they cute." lori said to herself

I heard footsteps coming into the bedroom but I fell asleep before I could hear who it was.


I started to wake up, I could hear loris voice. my forehead was touching someones skin.

"carl...?" lori said

" she okay?" carl asked

"fine. shes fine." rick lied

"rest. we'll be right here, okay?" lori said

"why is y/n here..?" carl asked

"maggie brought her inside. maggie put her in bed here." lori said

"okay" carl said

it was a little silent after carl said 'okay' his breathing got slower and deeper. he's probably asleep.

the front door opened and I heard T's voice.

"they're here." T said

lori and rick got up and went outside.

none of the adults came back in so I sat up from bed.

I rubbed my eyes and sat down in a chair.

maybe maggie is right. maybe I should say something. no, I can't I really can't.

"y/n...?" carl said looking aorund for me

"I'm still here, just sitting in a chair." I said

"i've got something to say." carl said

"okay, go ahead." I said

"I...I think I....nevermind, it's easier if I tell my mom...can you go get her?" carl asked

I nodded and left the room. I opened the front door and stepped outside.

"lori!" I yelled

she looked over at me and walked over.

"yes?" lori said

"carl wants to tell you something, he was going to tell me but he said it was easier if he told you." I said
[lori's pov.]

y/n told me carl needed me. I went straight inside and went to carls room.

I sat down on the bed.

"you needed me, baby?" I said

"mhmm." carl said

he went slient for a moment but then spoke up.

"I can't do it so maybe you can, tell y/n..-" carl started to say but I cut him off

"I know." I said

"you do..? how?" carl said

"I see it in your eyes everytime you look at her. lately shes looked at you the same way." I said

carl smiled and I got up from my chair and left the room.

when did he start growing up this fast? I think y/n is a fine girl. he'll be okay.

[back to y/n's pov]

I don't know how everyone was working out in this heat. I was tending to the bushes hershel asked me to when glenn came up to me.

"since when did people start calling me your dad?" glenn asked

"no clue, you bothered by it?" I said

"nah, it fits. just call me that, kid." glenn said

I smiled to myself and glenn patted my head and walked off.

lori walked out of the house and she was smiling like crazy. maggie wanted to know what was up so lori whispered something in her ear.

maggie giggled and said something to lori. and I heard lori say 'I know!!' really loud.

everyone was walking around doing their own things. I finished up with the bushes and I walked out into the area where the grass was really tall.

I found myself a spot and I sat down. this was a good sitting place. I didn't have to worry about anyone talking to me. they couldn't even see where I was.

I pulled out the gun from my thigh holder and I looked down at it.

I raised it and pointed it in random directions. I made sure the safely was on and I continued to point it anywhere I wanted.

"y/n!" lori called out

I let out a sigh, nothing good lasts forever.

"over here!!" I yelled back

lori found her way to me and sat down next to me.

"I've been meaning to uhm, say sorry for what I said the other night. I didn't mean it. heat of the moment, you understand that right?" lori said

I smiled and looked up at her.

"don't worry, I understand quite well." I said

if she wants me to understand she has another thing coming..

"good, I'm forgiven right?" lori said

"for sure." I said

no, you aren't.

lori smiled at me, she patted my shoulder and stood up. she made an 'oh' noise and sat back down.

"carl wanted me to tell you-" lori started to say but she started smiling and giggling.

it's like she has a school crush. what is up with her?

" should I put this. maybe I should talk it out with rick first? I think thats what I'm going to do." lori said

she walked away leaving me confused. what was that about..? and talk what out with rick?


sorry this chapter is short. I wanted to get a chapter or two out today. there might not be a chapter tomorrow because I'm sort of getting writers block when it comes to things I have to make up.

word count: 967

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