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I stirred around in my sleep as I heard the quiet sound of my alarm going off. I felt my shoulder slightly being shook as I heard Ava's voice quietly wake me up. "Wake up baby, we gotta get ready." I slowly lifted my eyelids and half looked up at her. "I'm so tired though..." I gave her a cute lopsided smile as she slowly sat us up. "Come on, the show is in two hours, let's go." I groaned and sat up leaving the warmth of her chest. "So, what do you gotta do to get ready?" I looked around for a moment and stood up. "Most of the stuff I need Finneas would have already brought or is already there, so, I just need to bring random things like extra clothes, essentials, and... Aquafor!"

She googled at me. "What?" I said while laughing. "Its called oral fixation!" She started dying laughing while rolling around on the bed. "Okay okay, whatever come on!" I grabbed her hand and we left my bedroom. We walked into the kitchen where my mom was getting a bag for her ready. "You ready to go billie?" I nodded as I hung my bag over my shoulder while grabbing my car keys. I walked out of the kitchen and out the door making my way towards he car. My mom came out after us and got into her car. "I'll meet you guys there! Okay?" I nodded and started the car.

I pulled out of the driveway and headed towards the venue. "Are you excited Billie?" I shrugged my shoulders as I kept my eyes on the road. "I don't know, I like seeing the fans... but something just feels off this time, I don't know what, but something feels off." I felt her staring at the side of my face as she placed a hand on my leg. "Just so you know, I'll be there with you, the entire time." I looked over to her and gave her a soft smile. We stopped at a red light so I leaned over and pulled her face to mine while giving her a soft kiss on the lips. "I love you." I said to her making her smile. "I love you too Billie."

I went back to driving as the light turned green. After awhile we finally made it to the venue and I parked my car in a private spot. We stepped out as I grabbed my bag and headed inside. I could already hear a huge crowd chanting my name and I wasn't even near the stage yet. We walked down the many hallways and made our way to my dressing room. I closed the door behind me and set my bag down infront of a mirror, and began getting ready.

I first took my clothes off and put on the outfit I was gonna wear on stage. I knew Ava was watching me the whole time, but I thought it was cute. I then sat down and began brushing my hair, slowly forming my hair into its signature star buns look. I then put on mascara and a little bit of makeup here and there to cover up the random spot on my face. "You're so pretty." I watched her blush as I turned around and gave her a soft kiss. "Thank you baby. You're pretty too."

I turned back around and went through my bag. I pulled out some knitted handwarmers and placed them on my hands. This is an easy way of covering up the bandage that was on my arm, plus, I liked wearing them from time to time. I then walked over to the couch and sat down, while tying my shoes on. Ava sat down beside me and rested her head on my shoulder. "I'm excited to see you perform. I want you to see you feeling good out there though, okay?" I nodded, " "Don't worry, the fans always lift me up every night."

She smiled as she placed a kiss on the side of my forehead. "You'll do good baby." I felt a smile creep up to my face. I finished tying my shoes and stood up, I was now ready. She stood up to so I wrapped my arms around her giving her the warmest hug I could give. She hugged me back tightly and I just embraced the amount of love we had for each other. We just stayed like that for a bit, I closed my eyes and took in her scent and just relaxed around her.

A few minutes went by before Finneas walked in, ready to go. "You ready bils?" I nodded and let go of Ava. I began walking out the door with Ava behind me. My mom came to me and gave me a hug. "Have fun Billie." I smiled and made my way down the hallway. Me and Finneas stood at edge of the stage, waiting for my que, out of sight. Finneas walked towards the keyboard and the guitars, making the crowd scream. The into began to play, having white lights flash repetivly as loud sound came from the speakers. Spiders and all sorts of things came to life on the screen before everything went black.

I walked out into the darkness and stood in the middle of the stage. The light came on and everyone screamed. I felt a darkness in my heart and excitement rushed through me, but I kept a straight face before the intro to bury a friend began blasting through the speakers. I started jumping around making my way down the stage. It felt so good to see all the fans, all the REAL fans. They were all smiling and singing and chanting. I felt so much love from them.

Once the song ended I calmed myself down and walked to the edge of the stage. "Hi everybody!" A loud cheer came from the crowd. I smiled at the crowd and just observed everyone around me. "It feels so good to be out here! I love you all so much!" Another loud cheer. My heart felt like it was being lifted. "Are y'all ready to have some fun? How are you guys? Good? 'Cause..." I paused making the crowd quiet. Then music started to play through the speakers. "Baby I don't feel so good..." I then continued the show singing every song making my heart feel more and more lifted with each cheer.

I also couldn't help but crack a smile every time I saw Ava singing and watching me from a special spot on one of the balconys. Times like this is when I felt the happiest.
Sorry it's been so long since ive written a chapter, I'm gonna make the next one good dw. It's been hard to find the time and motivation, ive been struggling with other issues. Just bare with me! I love you ❤

1160 words

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