When The Party's Over

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I jumped up and down the stage excitedly as the huge crowd infront of me did as well. Everything was good. On the outside that is. The fans were going crazy and I loved it. They were my family. I loved the sounds of them screaming every word to the song I was playing. The sounds of their cheering when a new one came on.

They loved me, and I especially loved them.

As soon as the song ended everyone calmed down and began cheering screaming my name and saying, "I LOVE YOU!" I swear, best feeling in the world.

I walked over to the middle of the stage and sat down on a stool while taking a sip of water.

"How's everybody doin?" I said through the Mic. A roar from the audience burst out making me smile. I put down the water and looked around the crowd. "So for the next song, I want everyone just be here, in the moment, with eachother. Cause this is the only time we will be together in this exact moment. I want you all to cherish every moment of your life and never let the bad things distract you from the good. So I dedicate this song, to us living with eachother in the moment, I love you all."

A beautiful piano melody started to play through the speakers making the crowd scream in joy. I watched everyones face in the crowd as everyone began to stick their cameras and lights up. I felt a smile creep up to my face at their reaction. I closed my eyes and began singing into the Mic.

"don't you know I'm no good for you? I've learned to lose you cant afford to.."

The whole crowd was singing a long with me making a warm feeling grow inside me.

"Tore my shirt to stop you bleeding, but nothing ever stops you leaving.."

All of a sudden it felt like the crowd hadn't sung those words. Something felt empty. I bad feeling grew in my stomach. I opened my eyes to watch the crowd but I couldn't hear them. All I could hear was the echoing voice inside my head.

"I'm sorry..."

"Quiet when I'm coming home I'm on my own.."

I suddenly felt a cool wetness along my left arm. My heart beat fast as I watched the red substance drip from the deep cuts in my arm. My eyes widened and I stopped singing, but I could still hear the song continuing to play, and then I could hear the audience again. Except I wasn't singing. 

"I could lie say I like it like that, like it like that.."

I stood up tossing the Mic to the ground looking around wondering why no one was paying attention. I turned around and saw myself still sitting in the stool, singing. How is this happening? No one could see me, the real me..?

"Don't you know enough already? I'll only hurt you if you let me.."

I felt terror run through my body. What the fuck was happening?! My eyes began to sting, I felt my tears begin to fall. I whiped the side of my cheek with my hand only to seeblack smudged on the back of it. My heart sank as I saw the balck goop drip all over my shirt out of my eyes. I ran to the bottom of the stage and started waving in peoples faces screaming for help. But they still focused on the stranger who was "me" still singing on stage. 

I looked around the crowd and noticed this one person standing, seeming out of place from the rest of the crowd. They had a crimson red sweater with the hood up, covering their face with large shades. I stared at them for a moment before I saw them move, pulling somthing from their pocket. My face turned white as a ghost as I watched them pull out a glock and point it to the "me" sitting on stage. 

"Call me friend but keep me closer.. and I'll call you when the party's over.."

I heard a loud bang and heard nothing but ringing and the sounds of muffled sceaming. The singing had stopped but the gentle piano still played. I looked over and saw myself laying on the stage floor, my body limp, blood pooling around me.

I watched as the crowd scattered running in different directions while the strange person in red dissapppeared. I felt my body get tugged down to the ground feeling myself pinned down, by nothing. I then felt multiple hands grip around my face, throat, arms and legs pulling me down through the ground. I tried to scream, but nothing came out.

I fell through the ground and everyhting went black.





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