Final Act (II)

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Horikita POV:

Today is the day of the result. I was really curious on which class would win the examination...over the week, Class B under the leadership of Hirata and Kai was able to save up 155 points. Kai worked hard and got 63 bonus points and because of Ayanokoji we were up by 50 points. All of this...and yet I was completely useless...

Every class stood in one line. Surprisingly Ryuuen was present on the island, meaning only one thing...he was the leader. But I noticed something off...even Ishizaki and Albert were there...the leader is amongst the three of them. They stayed behind and the rest of the class retired.

But instead of a look of worry or fear...he was smirking confidently as if he knew the results. Just what did he do behind the scenes?

Ichinose's class looked confident and were eagerly waiting for the results. Kai looked indifferent and was looking at the calming waves of the ocean... Ayanokoji just stood there with hands in his pockets and his poker face.

Class A however looked really confident. As if they are gonna win this island exam. Just what happened to Class D and Class A behind the scenes?

My thoughts were interrupted by Mashima-sensei coming on the podium with a mic.

"Good morning everyone. As every class and its leader is present here and the guesses are over with. Let us announce the final result of the First Special Exam and the total points of each class after the results."

As Mashima-sensei started, everyone stood there quiet. Many were nervous and many were growing impatient. I would be lying if I wasn't nervous...the tense atmosphere is killing me.

"This year's results were surely shocking. One class showed full dominance over the others and one class fell behind all the classes. Two classes, 2nd and 3rd, are really close. It is really a shock." Mashima-sensei said.

A class showing full dominance? Is it Class A? Or one of Ryuuen's schemes? Or Did Kai do something impressive again? But what I was interested in was the class that fell behind. Ryuuen's smirk has grown more after Mashima-sensei said that. Something tells me Class D isn't at the bottom despite wasting all their points...surely something is fishy here.

"The results are as follows. Please listen carefully, they won't be repeated." Mashima-sensei added and took a long pause causing the atmosphere to get more tense.

"The class which is at the bottom is...

Class C with 40 points."


What?! How did they lose so many points?! More did Ryuuen surpass Ichinose?! He didn't do anything at all!

I took a glance at Class C. Everyone there was really confused, Ichinose however looked devastated. Kanzaki shot a really angry glare at Kai who just blatantly ignored him.

Just what the hell is going on here?

Even Class A couldn't hide their surprise. Ryuuen was really close to laughing but was interrupted by Mashima-sensei again...

"The class which had placed third is...

Class A with 120 points."


It was clear now. Even though we guessed their leader they lost many points. Kai and Ryuuen have been working together this whole time.

Ryuuen was laughing right now. Katsuragi and Class A were surprised by this sudden outburst and many were really angry at Ryuuen.

"Kukuku. Truly impressive, everything worked out as planned! Just look at your fucking faces retards!" He said continuing his laugh.

Katsuragi gritted his teeth but kept his composure.

A Fool...(COTE X OC)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora