Kai Mizuhara (I)

330 10 42

Sitting on a table which showed me the view of the night sky and the ocean waves from a glass window. I was sitting in the best café of this boat with a magnificent view which brings me peace.

Tomorrow morning, we will arrive at the school. This eventful trip will come to an end. Many things have changed over this past week. We are now in Class A. One of my goals has been accomplished. Now it's up to Ayanokoji Kiyotaka to actually do something and keep up this position.

Why have I stepped down as the leader? Rather simple. To find the guy who has been informing Atsuomi Ayanokoji from the insides. I am convinced it's someone from the staff, who else could do it right?

Well that isn't the only reason...but let's not get into that.

Chabashira, you have lost the title of a sensei from me. I hope you got a good reason for all this. It's either you or someone who's been controlling you. I'll find it...just so you wait.

But sitting alone in this café with only one staff member relaxing on the counter, the one who was supposed to accompany me is nowhere to be seen.

I let out a sigh.

Where the fuck is he? I started tapping my foot impatiently. I was waiting for the person whom I know the most about and still don't know anything about... Ayanokoji Kiyotaka.

There are some things I want to ask him. Maybe help him...I still haven't forgotten about my goal to change him. But for me to do that, I need to know more about him.

Then I also have to discuss about the spy with him.

Before I could think of anything else. I heard a faint noise of two feet. He was finally here. As he entered the café, he shifted his gaze here and there before finally finding my figure near the seat at the window.

He carried his body with no aura at all. The way he walked was the most normal way possible. Some people walk showing elegance or carry an intimidating aura around them. Or a submissive aura. But him? Nothing at all. Not hinting even a bit of what type of person he is. These are the small things people like me notice to figure what type of person the man standing in front is.

He swiftly pulled back the chair and took his seat. All this time my gaze was fixated on every movement he did whilst sipping coffee.

"You can order something if you want. I'll pay for it." I said putting down my cup.

"No thank you. I have other things to look after because someone decided to put all their work on me and someone else is blackmailing me. My plate is already full. So just get straight to the point."

"Salty are we?" I said with a snicker.

"I'd be lying if I said no."

"Fine fine. So let's get to the point..." I took a small pause before continuing.

"How much do you know about the spy, Ayanokoji?" I said.

"Not really...nope I don't know anything about that. The only given and obvious thing is that...this person is from the staff." He said.

"I haven't really given it a thought because the purpose of this spy is over. Maybe this person already has left the school." He continued after a pause.

"That's a very likely outcome. But do you remember about the CCTV camera's in our rooms? It wasn't in everyone's room...just the two of us Ayanokoji. And also, Chabashira is involved in this." I said.

The person in front of me didn't seem to budge after I dumped the information on him. He stayed calm and positioned his hands in a thinking pose. After a few moments he said...

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