A Facade.

386 12 24

It was another normal day. It had been a few days since the Mid-terms result and the new class ranking has been announced...everything was going well...and I was right now chilling in my room, waiting for the time when I will go to my club. I have stopped going around The Ayanokoji Group because...I don't need to teach them when Keisei's there...but I still hangout with them if my club doesn't get in the middle.

Suddenly my phone buzzed. It was a message from the person I least expected...Koji. I sighed...

Meet me in my room after your club.


Just like that, I turned my phone off. I decided to take a stroll around the campus, there was still plenty of time until my club started. And it was not like anyone cared if I went there late...I am the Captain of the Regulars after all. Yea...within almost 3 months I became the captain of the team...and to top it all off I am a first year. God it would be so embarrassing for the upper years.

I took out a dark brown coat and wore it. I walked out of the room and took the stairs instead of the elevator. I don't know why but I was in the mood to walk...to nowhere. I'll walk until I'm satisfied.

And my plans were shattered as I walked out of the dormitories. I was greeted by the sight of Ayanokoji and Hirata with the Karuizawa group... surprisingly Ayanokoji decided to hangout with these fellas instead of the two girls with the biggest melons in the class. Not to mention in that group he'll have boys with him...right now he was surrounded by girls...and Hirata...yea.

They approached me and I sighed...if I deny them...then Chiaki will ignore me and I surely don't want that. She can ignore me easily while I can't ignore a guy who ruined my life...

"You seem well dressed...going on a date?" Karuizawa said teasingly to get a reaction out of Chiaki.

Chiaki glared at me and I gulped...gosh she can be scary when she's jealous. But...I wanted to tease her.

"What if I am? It shouldn't concern you Karuizawa." I said.

"Oh yea it shouldn't concern me, but my friend over here~" she said with a smirk.

Chiaki looked away while crossing her arms. I sighed. "Look Chiaki, I am not going on a date-"

"That was not your response to Kei, are we getting soft now, Mizuhara-san?" Satou said with a smirk.

"First name basis? You didn't tell me about this Chiaki!" Karuizawa said.

I sighed and looked at Hirata for help. He shook his head saying no...damn he shouldn't stay with those damn traitors! (Koji and Shibata). Akibro is the only one who understands me!

Koji was looking here and there acting like he doesn't know anything that's happening. Though I wasn't gonna ask him for any help...I don't trust him...anyway.

"Yea we are on first name basis, is that a problem? But now let me-"

"Oh we get it, you want some alone time huh? Well then why don't we leave?!" Karuizawa said in a loud voice and dragged Hirata from there and Satou from there...I see what she did there...she helped both her friends with their crushes. Damn she's one good wingman...well wingwoman...



We just stayed silent.

"You wanna walk somewhere?" I asked just accepting that I won't get a peaceful and alone walk.

"No...you have a date right?" She said clearly angry at me. Gosh her jealousy knows no bounds. But I found it scary and cute...we weren't exactly dating... it's....it's complicated...yea...

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